♡ ... › FINAL CONFLICT.★ ─

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爱 fanfic : y/n x tokyo revengers : ♡ • ›

🐿: the tenjiku conflict was currently going on, as for you who had been cooped up in your room since that night with chifuyu a week or so ago. your grandmother was nursing you even though you had regained most your mobility back already and you had regular visits from naotorin, hina-chan and emma-chan like right now.

the four of you had been watching a movie, well for the most of it. really just talking about stuff to be quite honest about it while hina and emma tried on some of your clothes to make you laugh with their ridiculous poses and outfits, trying to get naotorin into some outfits at times making him super uncomfortable. though it was a nice way to spend your day to take your mind off of the fact that so many of your friends were fighting for whatever shitty reasons that causes something as such.

"y/n-san please save me" naoto yelped trying to hide behind your bed from emma and hina who were clearly enjoying forcing dresses and skirts over his shorts and t-shirt which he was wearing in the middle of march.

"it's not that bad naotorin" you chuckled patting the boys head trying to lift your posture using your left side gaining a slight pain in your hip from doing such.

the boys cheeks flushed red and froze in place giving hina a chance to dunk a dress over him while he was processing what had just happened leaving you in a fit of giggles as he got so scared from such as what his sister had just done.

your room was an utter mess from such behavior but it didn't matter that much you could clean it up yourself later on after they went home.

tenjiku conflict pov:

the numbers were clearly unmatched but the faces that didn't even show were the obvious two. shuji hanma and kisaki tetta provoking takemichi slightly. though he knew exactly why. if either were seen it would be all against them alone. but they weren't that stupid to do as such.

the conflict started off with peh-yan vs shion madarame known to be one of the four heavenly kings and got knocked out in an instant again peh while he was boasting about his power and strength. clearly causing commotion through-out the 'venue'. toumans numbers were limited yet they already grasped the motivational boost in an instant.

uproar, violence, revenge. they all lit up the place. the only thing driving such a big conflict. and yet there he was.

the boy known as y/n ito's older cousin. hajime kokonoi, being used once more by the opposing side. causing guilt, hurt, distrust running through-out inupi's veins. he gave up y/n's cousin to a gang of terribly shady like people. and for what? for him to be unaware of his cousins current state? unaware of the fact that it was caused by the place that he decided to go to?

everything about this conflict was fucked up.

and what was it even about? sibling rivalry? jealousy? anger? stress? revenge? envy? what was the point of it?

the point of suffering?

the point of enduring?

the point of revenge?

the point of jealousy?

what was the point of any of it? was there even one to begin with?

. . .

"inupi, c'mon they're willing to let you join us in conquering tokyo's undergrounds we can have it all. so c'mon before touman loses and you lose everything." koko hissed to the boy who just stared at him blankly.

koko, he didn't look himself. he looked like he was doubting himself, distrusting everyone around him over the amount of times he had been used. he looked so upset yet why? why didn't he realize he was in the wrong. that he'd been neglecting everyone's calls and messages about his own cousins health and safety that was put at risk over such a violent gang.

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