♡ ... › WEIRD.★ ─

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爱 fanfic : y/n x tokyo revengers : ♡ • ›

🐿: the questioning at the station was long and boring. you got asked mutliple questions and to identify faces and plead on who was innocent and guilty during the situation. but in the end the police decided to let the culprits go since they weren't in sight and that they were both minors and to treat it as a mistake which left your father furious.

"hajime how come you seemed so on edge when you saw the jacket?" you muttered after getting out of the interrogation room seeing your older cousin waiting there for you.

the question made the boy hesitate for a minute or two. "cause it was the jacket of a guy from a different gang and since you're my baby cousin i felt off about seeing it on you." he replied patting your head.

"oh?" you questioned looking up at him.

"i'm not going to get into it much" he shrugged pushing the topic aside.

"and how come you suddenly stopped writing letters?" you frowned.

"it's sensitive to talk about." he uttered quietly.

guess that's a no go to talk about then. but at least he didn't forget about you or anything like that.

"alright then." you smiled.

. . .

"wanna meet my best friend later this week so i can brag to him about how i have a pretty cousin" he smirked sticking out his tongue.

"you haven't changed much have yah?" you grinned.


that week you saw chifuyu and baji a lot more frequently obviously both on edge about the whole kidnapping a foreign girl who had just moved into their apartment sorta jiz. or maybe it was because you had already became such good friends with emma. but, your grandmother seemed to be enjoying it the most. teasing you constantly on who you thought was cuter or who you had a crush on.

but today, you hadn't seen them at all because you were going out with hajime to meet his best friend to hang out. you were kind of shocked that hajime managed to have a best friend since he constantly had mood swings and a bitchy attitude towards a lot of people. pretty much like a girl on her period or something along those lines. but unlike his mysterious best friend you had to be his friend since you were cousins. then again, you never really took notice towards his attitude.

"oi inupi! this is my cousin i told you about a good few times" hajime grinned almost yelling at the boy as the figure began to get closer.

the figure looked overall fragile. he wore 6" black heels, a gang related uniform with a simple look on his face. he looked pretty unphased and out of the zone or whatnot. he had a relevantly noticeable scar going just over his eye, and two parted curtain bangs. he looked so elegant and mature, like a model.

"you don't look related at all koko, it would be more believable if i said she was my cousin" he said quietly with a small smile plastered along his face.

"she gets the looks from her moms side since her mothers russian." hajime boasted.

"i can tell" inui mumbled in reply.

. . .

"hi, i'm seishou inui. i'm koko's best friend it's nice to meet you." he spoke holding out a hand for you to shake.

"oh! hello, i'm y/n ito i'm hajime's cousin and it's nice to meet you too" you mumbled back in reply shaking his hand with a small smile on your face.

your mind wasn't exactly clear right now. there was one thing that was getting to you since you had seen your cousin. what did kisaki exactly mean when he said that hajime has a skill for money making? in fact what did that mean in the first place. isn't hajime just a normal teenage boy with a weird haircut?

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