♡ ... › A SHADY PERSON.★ ─

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爱 fanfic : y/n x tokyo revengers : ♡ • ›

🐿: it was finally the weekend, you hadn't seen those two boys since monday evening around the apartment building, though it didn't bother you too much because they had their own things to do. but the figures had definitely peaked your curiosity and interest since the first time you had seen them. as for school, you still hadn't a single friend which also hadn't bothered you too much because that's how life works. though it was kind of a bummer that you didn't have anyone to hang out with during the weekend like most teenage girls would. and because of that your grandmother asked you to grab some groceries from the convenient store down the road, more than likely out of pity to save your bored soul but it didn't matter what the intentions were behind it, you sucked it up and decided to go for her.

the convenient store wasn't big but it had a lot in it considering the size of it to say the least, the vibrant colours lit up the dull and plain atmosphere. multiple products with big signs near them signally the customer to check them out and buy them, and overall a lot of product ads inside of the super market and for a saturday morning it already had a lot of people inside of it. which came as a surprise to you personally expecting to see one or two people inside at max. i mean at least in russia, you hardly ever saw the locals inside of stores at this hour in the morning but then again you weren't in russia anymore were you.

but there was one character who felt suspiciously out of place within the store.

it was a petite teenage boy who clearly hadn't hit much of a growth spurt, with bleached hair that was horribly done along with a buzz cut, a tacky dangling earring which looked like he picked it up from a cheap black market or something like that and unfitted over sized pair square glasses. and by the looks of it he noticed the fact that you had been clearly judging the appearance he had chosen.

"that'll be a total of three thousand yen" the cashier said with a small smile, almost diverting your attention from the boy and his abnormal appearance and so you paid the cashier and began carrying the overly heavy bags of groceries back to the apartment. with a feeling of someone following you creeping down your neck it was more of a subconscious feeling, until the sounds of a pair of footsteps behind you, echoed the street. making you feel as though you needed to hurry your pace more. and so you did in a panic.

. . .

a hand firmly touched your shoulder making you jump and almost drop your bags completely. one of the many reasons you absolutely hated it when people thought it was fine to touch you out of the blue. it was always distressing and disrupting to deal with it. touches in general were always like that, rough, unsafe, and overall uncomfortable. "do you want help carrying those?" the voice was raspy but as though it was intended to sound that way. as though the person was forcing it to sound deeper and the tone to be intentional, making them sound completely stupid. turning your gaze to the figure who had grabbed you so suddenly.


it was the figure you had been observing in the convenient store.

"no, i'm okay thank you." you muttered back looking down at your feet, almost signaling that you had zero intentions of talking to the boy ahead of you. you didn't enjoy strangers company more or less, it always seemed so off and as though they wanted something in return.

"you surely don't expect me to let you carry all that weight by yourself?" he said with an unappealing smile. it was big, and clearly forced. he wasn't trying to be chivalrous he was just being selfish about the fact that you didn't intend to talk with him let alone walk home with him. but the figure was stubborn and more than likely wouldn't give up on the situation so you gave in and let him help you carry the shopping bags back to your apartment.

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