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爱 fanfic : y/n x tokyo revengers : ♡ • ›

🐿: you just finished taking a shower still feeling uncomfortable in your own skin from what had happened last night considering this was your third shower within 24 hours. you got dressed quietly and heard your doorbell go off.

it was kind of off. your grandparents and dad weren't due to return home for the next three days so who was it? you hurried to the door your hair soaking into your jumper and shorts. it was the familiar face of chifuyu.

. . .

he didn't hesitate to open your door completely pulling you into a tight hug. you weren't used to hugs from chifuyu and barely enjoyed hugs in the first place but you couldn't shake him off since he was clearly distressed. he was sobbing.

"y/n.. baji-san he's dead." the words broke from his mouth still sobbing like mad. the hug got tighter after those words fell.

tears began to form from your eyes as your body began to tremble.

"don't joke about those things chifuyu.." you shook your head, refusing to believe the bare words that fell from chifuyu's mouth. that wouldn't make sense if he just died out of the blue. that's not like baji.

. . .

he didn't reply after that. he just continued to sob hysterically into your shoulders. you couldn't help but to cling to the back of his touman uniform beginning to cry with him. the two of you spent at least a half an hour crying together.

you ended up making chifuyu and yourself both hot chocolate and threw on a movie with blankets. it was the way the three now two of you would try and enjoy sad and depressing times with each other. chifuyu picked out the movie you had all watched the most the one baji would always imitate half ways through to make the two of you who would be sulking all cheery and happy.

chifuyu didn't explain to you the way baji died. you didn't want to know how you didn't even want to think about it. your head rested on chifuyu's shoulder the entire movie both of you bursting out crying at random points in the movie unintentionally. it was the most vulnerable you had been since the death of your own mother. and the most vulnerable you had seen chifuyu himself.

the two of you grew exhausted extremely fast due to all the crying and ended up falling asleep during the movie together. the memories you had spent with baji and chifuyu began to replay in your head like a movie that night as you slept. it was upsetting and sore but you couldn't seem to wake yourself up from it all. it was eating you up inside. you felt so useless about it all. but the ending memory really hurt. the memory of this morning of baji grabbing your arm with such a pitiful expression.

you should've said something else. the blame, the fault, the aches they all piled up onto you stressing yourself out awaking you with a panic attack. your breathing was hurried in a frantic way. you couldn't slow it down it wasn't working. none of your tactics that you used during the mourning of your mothers death were working. instead making it all worse. your breathing speed continued to increase.

the figure of hanagaki takemichi appeared through your front door helping you slow your breathing down. why was he here? and where was chifuyu?

"why are you here?" you coughed quietly avoiding that the boy had just helped you breath properly again.

"er.. sorry.. chifuyu called me to watch over you until he came back" takemichi muttered unable to look at you himself obviously aware of the situation.

"why would you leave chifuyu by himself? he might do something stupid." you spat still coughing yet your tone wasn't as rude. it was more worried right now. you pulled out your flip phone from your pocket dialing chifuyu's number.

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