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I edited this while sick so if u see any mistakes, no u didnt.

Luella Jones

I finally arrive at school, being around three minutes late.

Just my luck, you know.

I walk past the school doors, striding in as fast as I can.

Knowing I have English right now, my professor won't be happy I'm late.

I know it's a little time, but he prefers to be "right on time" because it's the "key to success" and all that.

He's definitely going to be pissed, to say the least.

I stand at the classroom door, preparing myself mentally to be humiliated in front of 17 other students.

I cuss myself under my breath, opening the door to find him already writing something on the white board, turning his head due to the door noise that shit makes.

"Miss Jones, you're late." yeah no shit Sherlock. He states as if it was the end of the world.

I already feel eyes on me, making me even more anxious.

"Care to explain yourself?" He asks as he furrows his thick eyebrows.

Um no, I don't, can I just sit in my seat and move on with my day please?

"Uh, um I ran into a girl and they were searching for their dog, so I helped them find it before heading to school." I make up a shitty ass lie, running it down quickly, hoping he'd believe it. It's my first time being late, why's he being such an ass about it?

"Alright then, go take a seat, and don't be late again." He nods, believing my words as he turns to the board again.

"Yes, sorry Mr. Ford." I apologize quickly, feeling the need to do so as I did interrupt him from teaching. I scan the place quickly to see an empty seat in the back.

Right next to curly headed boy.

Can my day get any worse?

He isn't staring at me like the others are though, simply minding his own business in his chair, writing something on his paper in front of him.

I sigh, walking up to the spare seat, sitting down quickly and getting my text books out.

"Right, now that everyone is here. I feel the need to check everyone's name since we have a few new ones." I hear Mr. Ford clear his throat as he scans the list of names in front of him.

"Henry Brown"


"Jade Wilson"


"Rebecca Zamio"


"Nail Horan" I turn my head at the rather new name I just heard, being awfully said.

"It's actually Niall." I hear someone say from my right, seeing a blonde guy speak at the front.

Is that an Irish accent?

"Right, excuse me, you're new."

I see him nod his head at the somewhat apology Mr. Ford gave him.

"Harry Styles" another new name catches my attention.

Okay, I have to admit, that is a really hot name.

I see the curly headed boy on my right raise his hand, not even bothering to say here, or lifting his head up from whatever he's writing.

Mr. Ford doesn't seem to mind as he moves on to the next few names before he says mine "Luella Jones"

"Here" I say quietly, noticing the curly headed boy who is apparently called Harry, furrowing his eyebrows and lifting his head to look at me.

He looks me up and down as he casually scans my outfit, me gulping as I see him stare in my brown eyes.

He doesn't even bother to get his head out of the paper at the mention of his own name, but mine?

Maybe it's just because of my last name, my dad is quite known in the town I live, meaning he must live here.

I allow myself to slowly gaze down at what he seemed to be writing, looking at the paper which is not filled with handwriting, but a drawing.

It's a small flower sketch.

It's a beautiful drawing, really.

He catches me looking at it, putting his hand over it to cover it.

I don't know why he got shy over it, I liked it, and it's not like I was gonna bully him for it. I enjoy people who like drawing and painting. It's such a pretty hobby that I find soothing, it's like it relaxes the mind and soul and takes you somewhere off the deep end.

I see him look ahead now, not staring at me anymore. So I go back to listening to the rest of the names Mr. Ford is still listing.

Today is going to be a long day.


Short chap so imma upload the next one soon besties.

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