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Welcome to my first comfort chap that i've written.

Hope u enjoy it as much as I did!

Luella Jones

I'm currently walking home now, I finished school and still haven't heard anything from Harry.

It's not like I care where he is, but the school literally announced a school trip that's happening in a few days, meaning the project is now due in two days, and I'd like to have everything planned before 24 hours.

He's probably hiding somewhere, I didn't even see him when I went back to the cafeteria, or even the rest of the school day.

My messages are still on delivered, my calls are going to voicemails, and no one has seen him around.

It's like he vanished across the whole earth.

I wanted to go ask Raya for Niall's number, maybe he'll answer and so I can ask him where Harry is since he's always around him. But then again I wouldn't wanna sound annoying, or one of those clingy partners, so I'm just simply waiting for a text back.

I came home to a yelling mother, the usual. My dad was at work, so she was letting her anger out on my younger siblings.

She's so mad all the time, I'm starting to think it's just her being herself.

I haven't heard her complain about money for a few weeks now, meaning whatever the deal my father made with Harry's worked.

There was definitely money involved, otherwise I'm sure my dad wouldn't have accepted it.

I'd honestly ask him what it was, but the last time he tried explaining to me what he does for work, I got yelled at because I didn't understand anything.

So, I'm simply minding my own business, just focusing on my studies for now.

My mom has also been asking me for more stuff than usual. I've done laundry twice now, washed the dishes for dinner earlier, and cleaned the balcony.

She said something about her being sick, but it's probably just an excuse for her to manipulate me into working for her.

Jokes on her, I am not 13 anymore.

I can't believe I actually used to believe her when she'd complain about back or arm pains, saying she has a headache or is feeling dizzy, just so I'd do some work for her.

She literally once told me she had cancer when I was 11, sending me into an panic attack on what's gonna happen to her when I was young.

Damn, I was just a puppet between her hands.

Well, I still am, but I know how to control her more now, got more excuses and better ways to get out of her manipulation techniques.

Talk about growth.

But, guess who's finally done with everything, and can finally sit down to relax and watch Netflix for a bit?

Not me, because I still got this english essay to do.

But as soon as I finish it, I'm off to start another netflix show, sitting in my bed for the rest of the night, just watching a bunch of fictional-written characters fight off another villian in their lives.

Sometimes I wonder who's the villian in my own life, relating it to some tv show to know exactly how to react to them when it happens.

I think I know the villian, but I'm just not ready to admit it right now.

My phone rings, signaling for me that it's probably Fiona calling because we facetime at those kind of times.

"Hey babe." I answer, smiling at her through the screen.

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