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I'd like to thank the teenagers who went out a week ago to a summer party and made the corona cases high again in my country, anyways no official exams for me, yay <3

Heres a chap for celebration.

Luella Jones.

"Hi, Harry." I mumble a bit in a low voice, holding the cleavage of my dress with my hand.

"What are you doing here, nerd?" He questions.

Oh nothing, just hiding from you.

Why does he care about what I'm doing anyways? Isn't he supposed to be making out with Cassy or whatever?

"I can ask you the same question." I fire back, showing the little bravery I have in me.

"I asked you first, I believe I deserve the answer first, love." He points out.

Okay shit, he's right.

"I was- um, searching for the bathroom, came across this room and wanted to go in to search for it." I shrug innocently, even though he can probably tell through my lie.

"What a coincidence! I was searching for the bathroom, too." He raises both his eyebrows, surprised.

Is he for real?

"Great, well, now that we both didn't find it here. We can continue our searching journey, separately." I adress, praying he'd let me leave.

But instead, I get the complete opposite. Harry gets closer, trapping me again, however, between a door and himself this time.

I hold my dress above my cleavage higher, shutting my legs tight and feeling my nerves pick up slightly.

Damn, talk about deja vu.

"Mhm, maybe. Or we can continue our searching journey, together, in that room." He refers to the room behind me, making my face drop as soon as I acknowledge what he's hinting at.

No no no this can't be happening again.

"I- I have a boyfriend." I rant out of anxiousness.

He blinks emptyingly at me, not following what I just said. "And? I have a sister. What does that have to do with searching for the bathroom?"

I widen my eyes, now understanding what he meant. He wanted to search for the bathroom in that room.

Wait- did he just say he has a sister?

"Yeah, right." I chuckle in embarrassment. "Of course, um, let's search for the bathroom there! What a great idea Harry." I cheer as I smile nervously, waiting for him to back away any minute now.

You see, I have two options here.

Either kick him in the balls and run down the stairs, find Fiona, and hide behind her.

Or, I can enter the room with him normally, pretend I'm indeed searching for the bathroom, and leave without a scratch.

He stays still, looking at me.

"You know, a smart girl like you shouldn't be wandering off around here alone, especially when the rooms are booked." I furrow my eyebrows, not quite understanding why he changed the conversation.

Right as I was about to say something, I hear the small faint sounds of moans coming out of one of the other rooms.

Oh my god, I'm literally the dumbest person alive.

"It's a dangerous place here, love. As long as you don't want the same, I suggest we leave." He elaborates as he catches on my bluff, probably heard the same thing too.

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