Chapter 35-Part 2

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"So have you guys done it yet?" Cassidy asked as we changed for athletics.

 "Done what?" I asked, not looking back at her.

"I guess that is a no," she chuckled softly.

"Must be a new record for Grady," Casey remarked.

"What are you two twittering about?" I turned to look at them, they were both smiling up at me.

"You and Grady," Cassidy nodded at Casey's explanation, before adding, "Have you guys had sex yet?"

"No," I practically yelled, we'd only been dating a month.

"That is what I thought," Cassidy turned back to Casey, "it's gotta be a record. I've never known Grady not to be banging the girl he is dating."

"Will you two stop talking about my boyfriend and banging," I sighed, dejected. They were not the first ones to ask this question, just the latest. Girls have been asking about it since everyone found out we were dating.

"We were just making girl talk," Casey said innocently, before walking out of the room.

"I think it just means he really cares about you," Cassidy smiled at me, standing to interlock our arms.

"I think," a new voice came from behind us, "it means he is cheating on you," Gwen gave me an evil smile before walking away.

That thought sent a chilling thought down my spine. Was he cheating on me? The boy was known for having different girls every week and we've been together just about five now and not once has he tried to push my physical limits. I frowned at that, his hands never traveled further than my belly button.

"Do you think he could be cheating on me?" I asked Casey, she shook her head vehemently.

"No, of course not," her immediate denial gave me a sense of ease, but then doubt came back. What did she know?

Maybe she was the one he was cheating on me with, I looked her up and down then searching for his handprints, or some sign that she was with him. I shook my head once again, I was just being silly, but those silly thoughts did not disappear all through cheerleading or on the ride home, in fact they stayed with me all night long. Even as Grady danced with me on my living room floor, his eyes never once leaving me I wondered if he was cheating on me.

Those thoughts were reinforced when "Grady & Roslyn" walked into the party and he started frowning at me as they danced next to us.

"Grady I love you so much," Fake Ros cried loudly, people stopping to watch them.

"I love you too Roslyn," Fake Grady bestowed a kiss on Roslny's cheek, Grady stiffened against me, I looked up at him, but he was glaring at them.

I followed his gaze, confused as to why he was so angry.

"I am so glad that you are my prince charming!" Fake Ros sobbed into Fake Grady's chest and it was then I noticed that they were dressed exactly the same as us, granted Roslyn was busting out of her dress way more than I could have ever been, but same affect.

"I will never leave your side my fair princess," he kissed her again.

"I love you," she sighed against his chest and I could not help but smile just a little bit, apparently Grady felt differently.

His hands tightened on my hips as he pushed me away, "I'm going to get something to drink," he wasn't looking at me anymore, just over my head.

"Okay," I nodded, my voice coming out weak, but he was already walking away from me.

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