Chapter 11

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This chapter is dedicated to my two most loving fans, PinkTink and CandyLicious

Love you guys!! MUAH!

"Get out," Grady growled coming closer to the bed.

"Grady get out," I sighed against Simon's chest.

"Simon," he warned, his voice had taken on a cold chill, "get out now."

"Yes sir," Simon vaulted up and off the bed, I glared as he smiled at me over my shoulder.

"What was that all about?" Grady asked.

"What?" I stood to get clean clothes.

"You know what I am talking about," he followed me to the closet.

"No I really don't," I sighed again, pulling out some sweats and a tshirt.

"Why was he in your bed?" I turned to look at him.

"Seriously?" I asked trying to push past him, but he would not move. "Grady," I said annoyed.

"Tell me what he was doing in your bed just now," he said calmly.

"Why is that any of your business?" I asked glaring up at him, he took a step forward and I retreated.

"It is my business because I say so," he took another step forward, but the wall stopped my retreat.

"Well it is not your business," I challenged.

"I'm making it my business," his face dropped down to mine, "now tell me what you two were doing up here."

"We were having sex," I rolled my eyes and apparently Grady did not like my answer, because his hands came down on my shoulders.

"Really?" he asked, letting me know he did not believe that.

"Of course not," I said angrily. "We were just talking," I answered truthfully, his blue eyes boring into mine.

"About?" his face came closer.

"Ummm," I looked around the small space, "I can't tell you."

"And why not?" he asked, his hand was now on my collar bone.

"It's a secret," I said lamely.

"Really?" he asked, and his eyebrow went up to disappear into his hair line, I almost kissed him right then.

"Yes," I whispered.

"And what secret would that be?" his hand came to rest on my cheek.

"It's not my secret to tell," I said, my voice was husky.

"Oh," his lips were so close to mine that if I spoke they would be touching. He stayed right there as though he was waiting for me to come the rest of the way, but as much as I wanted to, I was not about to go there.

"Grady," I sighed, which was a mistake, my lips had brushed across his. "Grady," I said again as the lightening started firing throughout my lips and spreading down my body. "Grady," I repeated once more, but still he did not move.

"I love when you say my name like that," he said, every word pronounced against my mouth.

"Like what?" I asked, just so his lips would move again.

"Like a plea," he whispered, his eyes searching mine.

"A plea?" I questioned.

"Green," he whispered instead on answering me.

"Green," I repeated as he tilted his head and came closer.

"Grady!" Ryder yelled from my door and Grady jerked away from me.

"In here," he called and I looked at him like he was crazy. I was still standing in my bikini and my chest was heaving. "Ros couldn't reach something so I was getting it for her," he gave me a lazy wink before turning to leave.

I heard them both leave, but I stayed huddled in the back of my closet, trying to figure out what was going on with me. Why didn't I push him away? I asked myself again and again, but I knew the answer; I was in love with Jerk Face, had been forever. I placed my head against my knees and sighed at my own stupidity.

I woke up the middle of the night and Hughbert was not next to me, I frowned before calling out to him. "Hughbert," I called quietly, but I did not hear the scampering of his little hooves.

"Hughbert," I said again, pulling myself from my bed. I went down my stairs to the second story, "Hughbert," I called softly and then I heard him snort from Grady's room. I sighed and pressed my ear up against the door waiting to hear it again, there it was the soft snort of my baby, Hughbert not the pig.

I pushed the door open and flinched when it the hinges screamed, I jerked my head back to the bed to see if Grady was awake, but he just mumbled and rolled over, I smiled and stepped into the room.

"Hughbert," I said and I saw him stand to look at me. "Hey baby," I smiled coming to hold my hand out for him. "How did you end up in here?" I asked as he pressed his snout to my hand.

"He's not going to answer you," Grady's groggy voice said and I froze. "He followed me in here earlier," he rolled towards me, "made a huge fuss when I got into the bed, so I put him up here with me," I could see him smiling through the darkness.

"Oh," I said for lack of words. "Well I'm just gonna take him now," I said picking up Hughbert, but he started kicking in my arms and squealing. "Hughbert," I cooed, but my voice did not calm him, so I put him back down on the bed and he trotted over to Grady.

"Traitor," I muttered, Grady just laughed. "Fine," I said putting my hands on my hips, "he can sleep with you," I turned to leave, but Hughbert started squealing again as I reached the door.

"He doesn't want you to go," Grady laughed.

"Obviously," I sighed and turned back to the bed. "Well come on Hughbert," I said tapping my hand against my side, but he did not budge. "Hughbert," I said again, but he just snuggled back into Grady.

"Guess he doesn't want to leave," Grady chuckled petting him.

"Thank you captain obvious," I snapped.

"Hey don't get mad at me because your genius pig loves me," he smirked over at me.

"He's the only one," I shot back.

"Ha ha," Grady said. "I guess you are just going to have to sleep in here too," he said lying back down.

"Are you crazy?" I half yelled. "I am not sleeping in here with you."

"Why not?" he asked, pushing up on his elbows. "We've slept together before," he held his hands up, "no funny business."

"No funny business?" I asked, this was the pledge I made him make every time I had ever slept with him in the past, which may sound weird, but it has happened on more than one occasion.

"No funny business. Cross my heart hope to die," he said crossing a finger over his chest, "poke a needle in my eye," he smiled at me.

"Very well then," I relented before climbing into the bed with him. "Good night," I sighed before rolling away from him, I felt Hughbert settling between us and I smiled.

With my eyes closed I counted in my head, usually it took until ten for his arm to snake around my waist, tonight it only took until 3 and I was being pulled back into his body.

"Grady," I smiled, "we very clearly said no funny business."

"And we both know this does not count as funny business," he said against my neck. He used that argument every time, "I just want to hold you," he whispered, the 6 words that melted my heart.

"Okay," I sighed, like I was giving something up, when in fact I had been waiting for the moment since I walked into the room. Hughbert was now rolled into a ball against my stomach and Grady's hand rested on his back.

"Good night Roslyn," he breathed against my ear.

"Good night Grady," I smiled.

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