Chapter 24

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This is not part of the plan! I thought to myself as my mouth slanted over hers. She tasted like honey and sunshine, it was absolutely intoxicating. I knew that I needed to pull away, this was supposed to be a slow seduction, so she would know that she was not just another conquest, but her little impish smile kept taunting me. She tugged on my hair and against my better judgment I unbuckled her and started pulling her into my lap. I needed to get every inch of her against me, my lungs were screaming as my arms slipped around her to pull her against my chest. Just as she fluttered down into my lap the car sounded behind us.

She jumped away from me and my heart sank a bit as she looked around, trying to remember where we were, I wished she had never figured it out. I wished she would have just brought her lips back down to mine so that I could just kiss her for the rest of my life, but I had known this was not going to be easy.

She started scrambling away, hurting me in more ways than one. Her foot hit my leg and I let out a groan, but it was not because of the kick, it was her face. She looked embarrassed and angry.

Her face was red as she threw the jeep into gear, only to have it shudder and die. I couldn't help but laugh at the look on her face. She restarted the jeep and we lurched forward. A few minutes out of town her shifting became more fluid, no more grinding, I almost missed the red tint to her neck. I stared ahead, the silence killing me as she drove us back to the house.

I wanted to say something, anything, so she would stop being mad at me, but before I could open my mouth she was running into the house.

Hughbert grunted from the backseat. "I know buddy," I sighed as he moved into my lap. "I'm fucking everything up," I scratched his head lightly as he oinked in agreement. "I'm trying," he looked up at me, obviously not believing me. Truth was I didn't believe me either.

I should have known better, I berated myself as I pulled things out of the fridge. I had known that I needed to take things slow, I needed to explain things to her first, but I went and blew all that planning out of the water just because her sweet lips and been to hard to resist. I scrubbed my hand over my face as I heard her come down the stairs.

Jacque was talking to her and then everyone was shouting and laughing. Probably laughing at stupid Grady, who couldn't keep his hands to himself long enough to tell Roslyn that he loved her. I shook my head and pulled the lunch meat out, I heard her boots clicking across the floor, but they wavered at the door. I knew she was watching me, but I could not turn and look at her. I didn't deserve to look at her right now, I needed to get myself under control before I ruined everything.

"Hey," she said from the doorway, sounding unsure of herself, I hated myself for doing that to her. Roslyn was not often unsure of her self.

"Hey," I said back, still not turning to look at her, I could not bear it at the moment.

"You ready to make some sandwiches?" she asked, her voice full of forced cheer, again I felt like a cad.

"Yea," I answered simply.

"Okay then," she said slowly. I felt her moving around until she was situated just behind me at the island. She was checking over the assembly line when I finally turned to look at her, she was smiling down at the counter, no doubt thinking about what a fool I am.

"Who's up first?" I asked, she turned to look up at me, shock written all over her face. I guess she expected me to be sullen all day.

"Bub," she answered quickly and then looked back down.

"Alright then," I smiled as she started to tear the lettuce and throw it into a bowl. I watched as she threw the lettuce, it was always surprising to me how she could look so beautiful without even trying. The girl had on an old tee shirt that clung to her every curve, a pair of beat up boots, her favorite holy jeans, and a Sunday hat that just did not really match, but she was stunning.

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