Chapter 28

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Dear sweet Jesus, I thought as he smiled down at me. If the boy planned of kissing me like that 17 times I might die.

"Grady," I breathed out and his eyes closed. I tried to find the words to express the feelings running through me, but short of telling the egotistical jerk that I loved him there was no way to tell him, so I just settled for saying his name again. "Grady," my voice was still soft as he held me.

"Do you do that on purpose?" he asked, his eyes still closed.

"Do what?" I asked, watching as his eyes slowly opened and the burning started all over again.

"Say my name like that," he groaned, his forehead dropping to mine.

"Like what?" I asked, smiling because I remembered the answer.

"Like a prayer," he whispered.

"Maybe I do Grady," using his name had him pulling me tighter against him.

"Roslyn," he said suddenly and pulled back to look down at me, "I have something I really need to tell you."

"What?" I asked, unable to wipe the smile from my face, no matter how bleak he looked.

"I want," he stopped, "I need," again he took a deep breath as if waiting for the words to come to him. "I," he was interrupted.

"Roslyn!" Ryder's voice called, "Where the fuck did you go?" I glanced toward the dock where he was standing looking for me.

I looked back up to Grady, who's eyes were closed again and the muscles in his jaw were ticking.

"I'm over here Bub," I called, moving out of Grady's arms, but he resisted for just a second before letting me slid out of the embrace.

"Get your ass back to the house," he yelled, apparently still not able to see me.

"Coming," I yelled and then started to jog toward the house, but I stopped when I realized that Grady was not behind me. I turned to see him still standing in the same spot watching me with this sad look on his face. "Aren't you coming?" I asked holding my hand out to him.

The smile came back as he nodded and ran toward me. His large hand enveloped mine as we made our way back toward the house.

"Do you think we really have to sleep outside?" I asked, huddling into his side.

"I doubt it," he laughed, pulling me further into his side.

"Good," I flashed a smile up at him, "because I do not want to be attacked by frogs in the middle of the night."

"That might happen anyway," he grinned down at me and I started to laugh.

"Lets go to bed Sir Croaks- A- Lot," I laughed pulling him into the house with me.

"As you wish Lady Snore-A-Lot," he laughed.

"I do not snore!" I shouted loudly as we made our way up the stairs.

"Yes you do!" everyone else yelled, my cheeks flamed.

"Don't worry," Grady swooped down to whisper in my ear, "I think it's cute."

"I hate you," I grumbled sitting down on the bed.

"No you do not," he argued, pulling his shirt over his head.

"Okay," I sighed, and began pulling off my pants to scoot under the covers, "maybe I don't hate you," I said as he snuggled in beside me, "but I don't particularly like you," I could see his smile even in the dark.

"Shut up you love me," he kissed my nose, "two."

"Two what?" I asked, dropping my head to rest on his chest.

"Two down fifteen to go."

I woke up the next morning with Grady sprawled across me, his nose buried against my neck causing goose bumps to break out across my skin, but I just held him to me.

"Good morning princess," his groggy voice sounded.

"Morning frog boy," I smiled down at the top of his head.

"Did you sleep okay?" he asked, nuzzling further into my neck.

"I slept fine," I gasped, "it was the waking up part I have a problem with," I teased.

"You wanna try it again?" he asked, his nose brushing across my tender flesh.

"Yes," I breathed out, my voice coming out almost too soft.

"Close your eyes," he whispered, I obeyed immediately.

I waited a few minutes, but he made no movement. I tapped my foot impatiently until his heavy leg trapped mine. I wanted to pull his hair and tell him to hurry it up, but then his lips placed a gossamer kiss just under my ear and I jolted up with a loud moan.

"Really now?" he laughed, pushing me back down.

"Grady," I groaned as his lips hit the spot again, pure hot lighting went off every where. He didn't pull away this time, just moved his lips slowly over the spot, driving me crazy. "Grady," I panted again, my voice tight as a heavy knot settled in my stomach.

I squirmed under him, trying to pull him closer and push him away at the same time. His hands settled on my hips, trying to keep in still while he worked his magic on me. His hot skin against mine was doing nothing to calm me down; on the contrary it made me all the hotter. I was so befuddled by the energy coursing through me that just his lips on my skin caused.

"Grady please," I cried and even I did not know what I was asking for as my fingers dug into his skin, but he just kept up his torture. His hand slid higher under my shirt so that his hand was pressing into my belly, his other hand still holding down my hip. "Grady please," I tried to get his mouth up to mine so that he would stop this madness, but he would not be deterred from the little spot that was sending jolts down through my core. It felt like at any moment I would burst and when his tongue traced a shape right on that spot I did.

"Grady," I gasped again as I held onto him for dear life. Everything went black for just a moment and then it all exploded into color as my muscles contracted. "Grady," I whispered as my breathing started to slow and my limbs turned to jelly. All I could do was lay there and fight to look at him.

He was smiling at me, his thumb sweeping across my cheek gently as he watched me.

I opened my mouth to ask what the hell had happened to me, but all I could was smile up at him.

His mouth moved, but I could not understand what he was saying so I concentrated harder, "Four," he chuckled and then his hand was against my neck, hovering over the spot.

"Four?" I asked, already knowing I did not want to hear the answer.

"That was kiss number 4," he grinned, my smile wavered, but to be honest I just felt to happy at that moment to be mad at him.

"How could I have not known about this little spot earlier?" he asked, still smiling down at me as his thumb brushed against it, I jumped at bit.

"I didn't even know," my voice came out strangled.

"Well you better believe I will never forget it," I pulled him down to me then, I could not stand to see him looking at me like that anymore, it was wreaking havoc on my body.

"Can I have number 5 now?" I asked as his lips settled over mine.

"Yes ma'am," he chuckled against my lips as he kissed away my oblivion.

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