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Alrighty guys, I know i said the last chapter was the end but i wanted to give you an epilogue so that you know their story is not over as well as a tiny exert from the sort of sequel. It won't be about them but they will be major characters in it.


“Guess what I got in the mail today,” I cradled the phone against my shoulder.

            “A reminder that it is time to come see your amazing boyfriend?” I laughed.

            “No, guess again.”

            “My underwear?”

            “Serioulsy?” I scoffed. “Where have you been leaving them that someone would mail them back to me?”

            “I don’t know,” he laughed too. “Just tell me!”

            “Your guesses sucked,” I lifted my hand  to knock on the door.

            “Are you here?” I heard him moving around.

            “I am not some kind of stalker,” I answered, but already my fingers were twisting the key given to me by Coach Marty.

            “Well I know that,” he paused. “Someone is here nad trying to break into my room,” his voice took on  a hushed tone.

            “Well do something,” I stopped moving.

            “I’m gonna get my bat,” I held back my laughter.

            “Hurry,” I tried to sound panicked. “I don’t want anything happening to you.”

            “Aww thanks babe.”

            “Who would take me to prom if you die?” I cried.

            “Thanks…” he laughed. “Okay, got the bat.”

            “Go open the door.”

            “This guy is gonna be picking wood splinters out of his face for weeks,” his hand wiggled the door knob.

            “You go babe,” I cheered softly.

            The door swung open, my eyes being greeted by Grady sans shirt holding his big wooden baseball bat, “Hey Asshole stop…” I started laughing. “Roslyn?”

            “You should have seen your face,” I laughed harder as he dropped the bat.

            “You are in so much trouble young lady,” he pulled me into the room. “That was not funny,” despite his words he was kissing my cheeks.

            “You’re right,” I sighed, he looked down at me in surprise. “It was hilarious!” I busted out laughing again.

            “Why are you so mean?” he laughed, pulling me closer.

            “It’s what I do,” I kissed his cheek quickly and darted out of his arms.

            “Hey,” he tried pulling me back.

            “Not until you guess what I got today,” I held large white envelope behind my back as he dropped to sit on the bed.

            “Negative pregnancy results?” my jaw dropped.

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