Chapter 6

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I held my breath as we pulled into the driveway and everyone left the car, but I started again when Grady pulled me along with him. Once again he smiled, giving my hand a squeeze before he dropped it, I felt my heart drop to my stomach as I watched him walk into the house, he smiled at me once over his shoulder before disappearing through the door.

When I finally walked inside he was sitting on the couch next to Ryder and Hughbert was sitting in his lap, I smiled as he scratched my little piggy's head.

"Hughbert," I called and his little ears perked up before he looked over at me. "Come here," I said and then he was jumping down from the couch to come stand at my feet.

"Hey baby," I bending over to scratch his belly. "Did you miss me?" he snorted and squealed, I laughed before picking him up.

I was searching my bed for my phone when I heard the door open and close, Hughbert lifted his head to investigate, but he saw no threat and laid back down.

"What are you looking for?" Grady asked behind me.

"My phone," I said over my shoulder before crawling over my pillows to keep looking. "Found it!" I yelled lifting it high in the air.

"Great job Sherlock," Grady laughed behind me and I turned to look at him.

"Shut up GG," I said smiling and sitting down on the bed to check my messages. "Wow," I said watching the pop ups on the screen.

"What?" He asked sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Let's just say I am a very popular girl," I smiled up at him.

"How do you figure?" he smirked.

"Well," I said showing him my screen, "I have over 50 text messages, 10 voicemails, and about 30 missed calls from last night."

"That's just because you ran out last night," he said and I looked over at him, "no one knew what was going on."

I was deleting the voicemails without listening to them when he asked, "So what happened last night?"

That one little question cut through everything I had been feeling earlier. It was like I was just remembering that he may have very well slept with my best friend. I raised my gaze to his, watching him carefully.

'Why don't you tell me?" I said evenly.

"Look," he said suddenly standing, "I don't know what happened, one minute we were doing shots together and the next thing I know Simon came to tell us that you and Jacque were going at it," he ran a hand through his hair. "I grabbed you as you lunged for her and then she hit you, you hit her, and she hit the floor," I felt like he was staring through me. "When Ryder asked you what happened you told him to ask me, that is all I know," he was looking in my eyes now.

"I meant about what happened before the fight," I said, trying to stay calm.

"The shots?" he looked confused.

"No," I sat up on my knees, "you made out with Jacque," I accused.

"No I did not," he scoffed.

"Yes you did," I said coming to my feet so I was towering over him, "she told me you guys made out and then she gave you a blow job!"

He flinched a bit as I yelled, "I did not touch her," he said slowly, I wanted to believe him.

"Am I supposed to believe that the biggest man whore in school passed up the chance to make out with a drunk girl?" I asked still yelling, "Do you think I am stupid? You are always all over girls, even Jacque!" I wasn't giving him any time to respond. "She is my best friend and you made out with her," I felt hot tears forming. "How could you make out with my best friend? You inconsiderate, self loving, asshole! My friends are supposed to be off limits to you guys and you go and mess with her anyway! " I went back down to my knees.

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