Chapter 23

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"Roslyn," Grady's voice warned as the gears whined in protest.

"GG," I said annoyed with his lack of faith. "Give me just a second," I said throwing the jeep into first gear. The jeep lurched forward and out of the corner of my eye I watched as Grady held on for dear life.

"Roslyn," he warned again as the transmission roared for me to change gears, I obeyed, grinding again.

After a few more horrid sounds coming from under the hood we finally made it to the road, but it was not smooth sailing. We stopped at a red light, I turned to see Grady's white knuckles latched onto the door and over head bars. Hughbert was hunkered down under the backseat.

"Really GG?" I asked, rolling my eyes as he took deep breaths.

"Remind me why I let you drive again?" he panted, turning to look at me.

I smiled, "You wanted a kiss."

"A kiss?" he asked, looking shocked at his own barter. "Dear god, I'm going to lose my life for a kiss?"

"Haha," I rolled my eyes at him again, as his grin broke out. "If you remember correctly you only get that kiss if we make it back to the lake house," I pointed out, his grin faltered.

"I am an idiot," he sighed, but smiled all the same.

"I've been telling you that for years," I said turning back to the light, still red.

"I think that maybe I would like my kiss now," he said, making my head whip back to him.

"That was not the deal," I challenged.

"I may not live to see the lake house again," he pouted and again I rolled my eyes. "I think I should get a little peck now," his eyebrow raised, I almost attacked him right then, "and then get my real kiss if we get to the house."

"GG," I warned, but my smile ruined it.

"Come on Ros," he leaned over the center console. "One little peck," he whispered, his breath washing over my lips, I suppressed a moan.

"One tiny peck?" I asked, already leaning in for him.

"One tiny peck," he agreed, just before his lips brushed over mine. Fires ignited throughout my body. His lips moved slowly over mine, it was like he had all the time in the world to just sit there and let his lips lay against mine, and I really wished I could stop time. He stopped moving and I groaned. My hands shot up and captured his face, I did not want to ever let him go. His hand snaked around my neck as he pressed me closer, his tongue tracing along my bottom lip begging for entrance; which I gave immediately. The moment his tongue hit mine he moaned deep in the back of his throat and I smiled against his mouth. He tasted like glazed chocolate doughnuts and another thing I could not identify, but I knew it was all Grady. I tugged on his hair, trying to get him closer as his spicy flavor invaded my senses. I heard a click and the next thing I knew he was pulling me over the console, his strong hands easily grasping my waist; his lips never left mine.

"BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPP!!!!" a horn blared, causing me to jerk away from Grady. I was confused, where were we? I asked myself looking around. Oh my god, I scrambled from him, apparently hurting him in my quest to get away, he grunted as my foot collided with his leg.

I finally made it back into my seat, the person behind us still honking their horn at me to move. My face was flaming as I put the jeep into gear, only to have it die. Grady laughed, deep and richly from the passenger seat as I restarted the jeep and pulled away from the intersection.

How could I have done that? I asked as I drove towards the house. Grady was silent next to me as I pulled into the drive way. I jumped out of the jeep leaving him and Hughbert behind; I ran into the house ignoring the quizzical glances as I ran up the stairs. I flew through the door before letting myself slam into the bed.

I can't believe I let him get to me that way!!! I screamed in my head as I pulled a pillow under my face. I let myself scream into the pillow as my frustrations only mounted.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" I yelled into the pillow as I thrashed my body around like a 3 year old throwing a fit. I screamed until I felt like I couldn't scream anymore, I turned myself over and stared up at the ceiling.

How could I have kissed him like that? One minute I was rolling my eyes at him and the next I was about to start rolling around in bed with him. WTF!

I laid there for a few minutes longer, trying to control my breathing. I knew I could not just stay up in my room all day, eventually someone would come and check on me and with my luck that person would be Grady.

I sighed and rolled myself to sit up. I left the shelter of the bed and made my way down stairs. Everyone was watching me as I descended the stairs, Grady was not there, so I let out a little sigh of relief.

"Ros," Jacque's voice rang out, "what the hell is that thing on your head?"

I reached up to touch my hair, only to meet the hat I had gotten.

"My hat?" I asked smiling.

"Cute," she laughed and bounded towards me.

"I do try," I laughed as everyone shouted their opinion of my new hat.

"Lyn," Ryder's voice rose above everyone else's.

"Yes Bubby?" I asked, smiling at him, even though Patty was clinging to him.

"Go make me a sandwich," he smiled, making his harsh command into a joke.

"Yes sir," I saluted him before marching into the kitchen.

I stopped short of the door, Grady was in the kitchen pulling out the lunchmeat.

"Hey," I said lamely as I entered the room with a sigh.

"Hey," he answered, not looking at me.

His voice had been thick, I stared at his back for moment as I collected my thoughts. Grady was my official sandwich helper, which meant that I had to work next to him. Might as well break the ice.

"You ready to make some sandwiches?" I asked, hoping he would turn and smile at me, but he didn't.

"Yea," he answered.

"Okay then," I sighed, moving towards the counter where he had everything laid out for me.

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