Chapter 22

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"You cannot be serious?" Grady asked as I plopped the huge Sunday hat on my head.

"Shut up," I smiled at him before turning to look at myself in the small mirror on the hat rack.

"What do you think?" I asked turning back to him, Hughbert grunted happily next to him as Grady watched me.

"Hmmm?" he said stroking his chin thoughtfully, "Give me a little turn," he twirled his finger around.

I rolled my eyes but obeyed. When I was facing him again he had a camera in his hand.

"Grady," I warned, laughing as he smiled at me behind it.

"Big smile now," he grinned, so I crossed my eyes and gave him the most unrealistic smile I could muster.

"Very nice," he laughed as the camera beeped.

"I do try," I laughed as he walked towards me and picked out a hat of his own.

A few minutes later we were both laughing as we posed for pictures. He had on a pink hat that had lace hanging over his right eye. His cheek was pressed against mine as he snapped yet another picture. I was totally captivated by him; his blue eyes danced as he moved his face so that his lips were pressed wetly against my cheek. As he pulled away I turned, no longer laughing, to look at him. He was still smiling down at me, his eyes were the only clue that he knew what he had just done. I pressed my fingertips to my cheek trying to absorb the tingles that were now pulsing.

His smile faltered and his mouth opened, but before he could say anything I turned to the man watching us behind the table.

"How much for this one?" I asked, aware that my voice was just as shaky as my hands holding the hat.

"For you," he smiled warmly, "2 dollars."

I reached into my back pocket, but before I could hand the money over, Grady's hand was already giving the man a 5.

"Keep the change," his voice rumbled and the man smiled again.

"Thanks," I said softly.

"You two make a beautiful couple," the man smiled and I opened my mouth to tell him that we were not a couple, but Grady beat me to it yet again.

"Thank you very much," I could hear his smile. I closed my mouth quickly and nodded my thanks.

I turned to leave, aware that Grady had taken my hand.

"It is so refreshing to see two young people so in love," the man said as we walked away.

I looked back at him, I wanted to turn around and tell him that he was crazy, but the way Grady was pulling me along there was just no way I was going to be able to. Instead of turning to correct the man I looked up at Grady expecting to see a scowl for being mistaken for a love sick teenager, but he was still grinning.

His thumbed rubbed across my hand as we walked around the stalls, occasionally stopping to look at some sports memorabilia or generally cool stuff.

We were standing at a table with a little Mexican man who barely spoke English staring at an adorable little garden gnome. He was standing in the middle of the table, shovel slug over his shoulder.

"Dear god that thing is ugly," Grady shuddered as I stared at the gnome.

"I think he is cute," I said, still looking at the gnome's blue jacket, it was the same color as Grady's eyes.

"Are you serious?" he asked, I could feel him watching me.

"Yea," I shrugged my shoulders.

"You're going to make me buy him aren't you?" he asked, sounding like a child, but I knew he was smiling down at me.

"No," I argued, turning to smile up at him. "I have my own money," I let go of his hand to grab the money in my back pocket, but he snatched my hand back in his.

"Shut up," he chuckled. "How much?" He asked the man, taking out his wallet.

The man just held up 3 fingers. Grady handed him the money as I picked up the gnome and held him to my chest.

"You owe me," he grinned as we walked towards his jeep.

"I owe you nothing," I teased as he opened my door. I tried to climb up, but he stopped me.

"Oh you so owe me," he grinned and lounged against the jeep door, I rested my elbows on the seat behind me and regarded him with a smile.

"What exactly do you want?" I asked.

"A kiss," he answered without hesitation.

"Just a kiss?" I tried to let my eyebrow shoot up, but I was devoid of that talent.

"No," his dimples flashed. "You owe me a kiss and a sandwich."

"A kiss and a sandwich?" I smiled up at him as Hughbert snorted at us, apparently impatient to leave.

"I will give you the sandwich," I agreed, "but for the kiss you have to give me something else."

"When did this turn into a negotiation?" he chuckled.

"When you asked for a kiss," I moved to stand between his legs. "I will give you that kiss if you let me," I let myself press into him just a bit. His breathed hitched, I may be a tom boy, but I am not above using my feminine wiles to get what I want, his head dipped down to mine and I let my voice drop, "drive the jeep back to the house," he stiffened for just a moment.

"Roslyn," he groaned and closed his eyes, I just smiled as he breathed in and out.

"Come on," I pouted, even though he couldn't see me.

He opened his eyes and looked down at me, his dark blue eyes were dancing as he stared down at me. The corners of his mouth tipped up just enough to let me know I had won.

"Fine," he said and I jumped for joy, "but," I came back down to earth, "you have to make me two sandwiches and give me a real kiss," my face flamed.

It was my turn for an inner debate.

What is there to debate? I asked myself. He's hot!! Just say yes!!

Seriously? The other half of my brain said. He's a jerky man whore.

Good point, she agreed, but HOT!!!

Good point. Do it!

"Okay," I said hesitantly, but the smile that broke out on his face made me feel like a bitch for having to think about it. "But," I held up a finger, "I will only kiss you after we make it to the lake house," I qualified, but his smile never faltered.

"Deal," he said dropping the keys into my hand before pushing me away so he could sit down with Hughbert.

What have I gotten myself into? I asked as the jeep roared to life.

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