Chapter 30

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I woke up the next morning to my alarm clock blaring.

"Make it stop," Grady's tired voice rang out from across the bed.

"I'm trying," I groaned searching for my phone amongst the covers and pillows.

"Dear Jesus, hurry!" he cried, still not helping.

"I got it!" I held the phone up before turning off the alarm finally.

"Thank the lord," he chuckled and I turned to finally look at him. Some time during the night he had rolled to the opposite side of the bed.

"What are you doing way over there?" I asked laughing softly, he just shot me a grin.

"I am not allowed to touch you remember?" his eyebrow shot up and I suppressed the urge to roll into his arms.

"Right," I smiled back, before rolling on my back to look up at the rafters.

"Of course if say you wanted a good morning kiss I would not object," I could hear the smirk in his voice as I turned my head to look over at him.

He was on his side now, propped up on his elbow, the blanket had slipped down his body to pool at his waist; baring all his glorious flesh to me.

"Hmmm," I scooted closer to him, "I think not," I jumped away from him and he groaned, probably having to hold himself back from grabbing me and pulling me back into bed.

"Get up lazy bones," I called just before stepping into the bathroom.

"Is that an invitation?" he sat up.

"In your dreams GG," I laughed, but waited to hear his every night reply before slamming the door.

"Very soon pumpkin," he said instead and my face flamed slightly.

"Whatever," I muttered and closed the door.

"It just occurred to me,' Grady said from beside me in his jeep as we made our way to school, "that I did not get my good morning kiss."

"Awww how sad," I pouted for him, "to bad."

"You could give it to me now," he said hopefully, shooting me a pleading look.

"I think not," I replied watching as the school came into view.

"Rossy," he whined.

"GG how am I going to win this bet if I just kiss you whenever you want me to?" I smiled over at him, "From this moment on I will not be kissing you until you have lost the bet," I smirked before jumping out of the jeep.

"We'll see about that," he grumbled.

"Grady what is the matter with you?" Ryder asked as Grady slumped into the chair next to mine.

"Ask your sister," he sighed before hitting his head on the table.

"Hey," I held up my hands, "I was not the one who told you that you had to fight off the bimbos."

"Grady is fighting off bimbos?" Adam asked, taking his place at the table.

"All morning," I answered cheerfully, Grady shot me a weak glare.

"Why exactly are you fighting them off?" Simon asked, looking very confused.

"Don't worry about it," I answered for him, not knowing if he wanted his friends to hear the whole story.

"It's a wager," Grady answered, head still down. "I can't touch a female for thirty days, if I want to win," his head rose so that his eyes met with mine. "And I want to win more than just about anything in the world," my smile broadened.

"What do you get if you win?" Ryder asked.

"A date with your sister," he answered, dropping his head again.

"Ha!" Simon asked, "Way to go Ros!" Simon gave me a high five. "Way to give him an impossible task."

"I didn't set the terms," I said looking at the back of Grady's head, "he did."

"Really?" the boys all asked at the same time.

"Yup," I grinned at them.

"What do you get when you win?" Adam asked, Grady turned to glare at him.

"If," I amended, which got me a grin from Grady, "I win I get the jeep."

"SWEET!" They all yelled.

"Yes I am," I laughed at their reactions.

"I will be expecting rides from you everyday," Ryder said from beside me and I frowned at him.

"Give the boy some faith people," I laughed.

"He has no hope," Simon laughed, Grady just dropped his head yet again as if he himself believed that he was going to lose.

"Well," I let my hand slip into Grady's under the table, his head shot up to look at me, "you guys are jerks." In my head I turned to Grady and said, "I know you can do this! I want you to win more than anything in the world!" but I just gave him a smile and held his hand through lunch, hoping that he would win the wager.

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