Chapter 37

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Because you asked. lol

To say that the gnawing feeling left me would be a lie. I found myself watching everything he did. I made sure to pay attention to who he was talking to in the hall, which was just ridiculous, but I had to know if it was a possibility that he was cheating.

Nothing. Nothing at all was revealed in the time I spent watching him like a stalker. He hung out with the guys between classes when he wasn’t waiting for me and the only girls he said anything to were girls who said hello to him first. Their batting eyelashes infuriated me, but he never even smiled at them, just wound his fingers around mine and tugged me away from the crowd.

By the end of the day it was clear to me that he was not cheating on me, not yet a nagging voice said in the back of my head as I drove home. Just because he is not cheating now does not mean he won’t.

I thought you were on his side?

This is the other side of your brain, an irate sigh followed her words.


I shook my head throwing my bag on the floor. He wasn’t cheating on me. He loves me. I kept repeating those words as though they were my life line until a phone call interrupted my thoughts.

“Hey sugar plum,” his sweet voice chased away the nagging in my head.

“Hey butter britches,” I laughed, sitting on the couch.

“Butter britches?” he laughed, my stomach did a flip and it amazed me that he could make it do that even through the phone.

“Just trying something new,” I smiled.

“Well I don’t know if I like that one,” he laughed again as a door slammed in the back ground. “What are you doing right now?”

“Sitting on the couch talking to my wonderful boyfriend,” I answered. “What are you doing?”

“Well I am on my way to pick up my very beautiful girlfriend to take her on a date,” I could hear the smile in his voice.

“Do you have another girl friend I don’t know about?” I asked with a laugh, checking my clothes as I did so.

“No,” he scoffed, “I’m obviously talking about you,” her chirped.

“Ahhh okay,” I smiled and made my way up to my room to change. “But, it’s Thursday, we usually go out on Sundays.”

“What are we an old married couple,” he laughed as I heard the jeep pull into the drive way. “We can go out on a Thursday, it’s not like you are going to turn into a pumpkin,” the door opened and then closed as I entered my room. “I thought you said you were sitting on the couch,” he chuckled softly.

“I lied,” I laughed, entering my closet.

“I’m hurt,” he cried out as his steps sounded on the stairs.

“You’ll get over it,” I smiled. “Dress code for this date?” I asked just as my door opened.

“Well what you are wearing now works,” I turned to see his wolfish grin.

“You’re taking me somewhere that it is acceptable for me to wear my underpants?” I laughed, still holding the phone to my ear.

“They are very nice underpants,” he leaned into kiss my forehead.

“I agree,” I looked down, “but I might be a bit over dressed,” I teased.

“Nah,” his hand slid into the one poised against my stomach, slow burn started. “They are perfect.”

I Love You, Jerk FaceWhere stories live. Discover now