Chapter 18

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Friday morning I woke up, knowing that everything was back to normal. Grady was just about completely covering me with his body and I smiled. My arms were locked around his back, keeping me firmly on top of me, his legs in between mine, hands fisted in my hair, his head resting on my chest; I wanted to sigh, but held it in. It was nice to pretend that he knew he was on top of me, but I knew the truth.

I shut my eyes quickly when I felt him stir, no need to let him know that I had awaken before him to see the way he was sprawled on me. I heard him sigh, but he made no move to climb off of me. I waited a few more minutes, but still no movement. I could feel him watching me; was he waiting for me to wake up and find him like that? No of course not, I almost shook my head. He was probably just trying to figure out how he got there. Yes! That had to be it. He was confused as to why he was laying on me. My little logical explanation exploded when I felt his head drop back down to my chest. What the hell was he doing now?

I lie there trying to figure it out when Hughbert pressed his cold snout into my side, he hit skin, so I jolted. SHIT!

Grady laughed. Jerk Face.

"Could you possibly get off of me now?" I asked, peeking at him.

"No," he snuggled down into my chest and I blushed, "I am quite comfortable where I am thank you," I could feel him smiling.

"Jerk face," I mumbled.

"Besides," he sighed," if you really wanted me to get off of you, you would have let me go by now."

Shit again! I yelled in my head before dropping my arms to my side. He laughed again.

"Now will you get off of me?" I asked again looking at the top of his beautiful head of hair, wait what! Shut up Roslyn!

"I suppose," he sighed pushing up just a bit, so that he was hovering over me. His hands were still clutching my hair.

"Thank you," I sighed at the feeling of being able to breathe correctly.

"Don't thank me yet Rossy," he smiled down at me. "I would like my good morning kiss," he leaned towards me. He had asked for a good morning kiss the last two days now, both times he received an Eskimo kiss.

"Very well," I sighed smiling at him. He closed the space between us until our noses were touching and then he stayed still as I rubbed mine over his.

"Thank you," he smiled as I pulled back.

"You're welcome," I smiled back, "now get the fuck off of me," I said pushing him.

"Ugh," he landed on the bed next to me, "why do you always have to be so mean?" He pouted.

"It's who I am," I cocked my head at him from the foot of the bed.

"Don't I know it," he laughed following me.

"Shut up GG," I pushed him gently as we walked down the stairs.

Ryder was pacing in the kitchen when we entered.

"Something wrong Bub?" I asked.

He turned to me and smiled, "Not anymore," he came to hug me, "I was just worried about you."

I pulled out of the hug to hit him, "I'm fine," I smiled, trying to keep the awakard situation at bay.

"It was kind of touch and go there for a while," he frowned.

"Hey Bub," Grady shouted, "get your ass back to the stove and make me some breakfast!" Thank god for Grady, I said in my head and then laughed at myself. Those were words I never thought I would think or say.

"I already made you waffles honey," he smiled sweetly at Grady.

"Good woman," Grady said still sitting at the island, "now put them if front of me and iron my shirt."

"Yes sweetums," Ryder batted his eyelashes at Grady and I laughed.

"I'm gonna leave you two love birds alone," I said turning towards the stairs, "I gotta go to school today, so I better make myself presentable."

"Oh god that is going to take forever!" Ryder laughed.

"Hey," I turned to glare at him, "watch it mister," I pointed a finger at him, "you too," I said pointing at Grady.

"What did I do?" He asked around a mouthful of waffles.

"You were agreeing with him in your head," I said shaking my finger.

"Oh my god," he gasped, "did you suddenly start reading minds?"

"Yes," I smiled smugly.

"What am I thinking right now?" He asked putting on his thinking face, I laughed.

"I wish I wasn't such a man whore so Roslyn would love me," I sighed.

"Oh my god," he turned to Ryder, "she can read minds!"

"Do me do me!!" Ryder shouted.

"That's what she said!" I laughed back.

"OMG!" he jumped in the air like a little girl, "she really can read minds!"

"Shut up both of you," I laughed.

I left them laughing in the kitchen as I went to shower and change. It felt so good to be myself again!

I was rummaging around in my closet looking for my favorite jeans.

"Ryder!" I yelled.

"What?!" he yelled back.

"Where are my favorite jeans?" I asked still digging in my closet, I heard the door open.

"How in the hell am I supposed to know that?" he asked, stepping into the closet. "Good lord," he said , "could you please put some clothes on?" He yelled and when I turned to give him a glare he was covering his eyes.

"I'm wearing underwear," I said flatly.

"Is that what you call that stuff?" he gasped and I laughed at him.

"I wanna see!" Grady yelled from behind him.

"Hell no," Ryder turned, eyes still covered, and punched Grady.

"Ouch," I heard Grady say.

"Back to the task at hand ladies!" I said loudly. "I need my favorite jeans," I whined and turned back to look. "It's game day," I threw a shirt over my head towards the door. "I always wear them on game day!"

"Stop being superstitious," Ryder laughed until he got hit with a shirt in the face. "Just wear some different pants," he offered.

"Ha," I turned to look at him, "I will if you don't wear your Scooby doo boxers."

He froze," Not fair," he said, "those are my lucky boxers!"

"Exactly my point!" I yelled holding a hand up, Grady was just laughing in the background. "I need my pants!"

"Fine, fine," he muttered. "Grady go look in the laundry room," he ordered.

A few minutes later Grady came back holding my pants, "Here they are!" he yelled.

"Yay!" I leapt at him to grab the pants. I was shimming into them when Grady spoke again. "Where is my hero's welcome?" he was smirking at me as I buttoned the pants.

"Right here," I smiled coming closer to him. He was leaning towards me and I was wondering why Ryder wasn't stopping him, when I hit his arm hard.

"Ow!" he yelped and jumped back.

"Don't ever hide my pants again," I said smiling at him as I turned to search for my game day shirt.

"Meanie," he mumbled as they left my room.

It only took a few minutes to find my game day shirt that read, My Bubba is gonna kick your brother's butt! It always made Ryder laugh. I glanced at the clock.

"Crap," I yelled before pulling my cap on and running out the door. Ryder was waiting at the door, with my bag in his hand. "Thanks Bubby!" I smiled as we left the house.

"No problem Lyn," he smiled down at me.

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