Chapter 16

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I woke up in pain, more pain than any one person should ever have to endure. My insides were turning, cramping, and flipping.

"Grady," I whimpered, knowing that he would be awake with me.

"I'm right here honey," he cooed, his hand sweeping across my face.

"It hurts Grady," I moved towards his voice, so that he was holding me.

"I know honey," he whispered smoothing my hair. I knew he was just trying to comfort me, but he had no idea what kind of pain I was in.

"I hate being a girl," I moaned as another cramp hit. His laughter made me open my eyes. "What the fuck is so funny?" I asked trying to sound angry, but another cramp rolled so it came out in a groan.

"I love you being a girl," he laughed, his eyes were dancing in front of me.

"Ugh," I said pushing him away, "stop being a boy and help me," I sighed.

"Yes ma'am," he chuckled pulling me up off the chair, which felt like the biggest mistake I had ever made. "You wanna move up to your room?" he asked, picking me up.

"Yes," I answered, burying my face in his chest.

"Okay," he started moving towards the stairs.

"Wait!" I yelled.

"What?" he winced, I had yelled right in his ear.

"I need my pillow," I whispered.

"I'm gonna drop you off in the room and then come back down here," he said going up the stairs.

"Oh," I sighed, so he wasn't going to stay with me tonight. Grady always took nights when it came to me being "sick" he liked to say I slept better with him, which was true, but he said it was because my girl parts loved him, which was an eye roller, but true.

He climbed on his knees on the bed to set me down in the middle of my pillows.

"Thanks," I smiled weakly, repositioning myself in the bed, ugh!

"Don't hog the bed," he winked at me, "I'll be right back," okay so he was sleeping with me tonight, I smiled as he left the room.

That smiled quickly turned into me sprinting towards the bathroom door, the pretzels I had eaten earlier came back with a vengeance.

"Ros," Grady said softly taking my hair in his hands as I emptied my stomach. He was rubbing small circles on my back like he always did.

"Thanks," I mumbled, half humiliated. Every time Aunt Flow came I was embarrassed that Grady and Ryder knew about it and had to help take care of me. It was humiliating to be 16 and not be able to have a normal period and have your brother's hot best friend buying you tampons and the other things necessary to get me through this difficult time.

The thing is, I always expected Grady to make some smart ass remake about it, but he never did. He held me while I cried, rubbed my back while I vomited, got up with me in the middle of the night, let me throw things at him when I was pissed, bought me favorite show on DVD, and he never told anyone else the reason why I had to miss school every 6 months. It was in these times he was the Grady I never wanted to let go of. I often asked myself why he just couldn't be this Grady all the time, I liked this Grady, but I knew the truth; I liked the other Grady more. I liked the Grady who teased me about acting like a boy, but hit on me. I liked the Grady who played sports with me and never intentionally let me win. I liked the Grady who let me cry and then said at least it showed him I was a girl. I liked the Grady who watched scary movies with me and let me hide in his side. I loved Grady.

The vomit had stopped, but the thoughts running through my head made me want to purge myself some more. I loved Grady. I turned quickly to look at him.

How in the hell could I have let this happen? I asked myself as he watched me, looking concerned.

"What's wrong Ros?" his hand was still rubbing my back and I wished he would just stop, it was one of the reasons I loved him, AHHHH I said it again. "Ros are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I snapped at him, his flinched away at my tone. I sighed, closing my eyes, his hand had not stopped moving against my back. "I'm sorry," I said not opening my eyes.

"It's okay," he said and I could just see his smile. "Brought you some water," he said before pressing a bottle into my hand. He continued to sit with me until I was sure I was not going to throw up anymore, but I did feel some more pressing things that needed to be attended to.

"Ummm," I said, still not opening my eyes, this was the embarrassing part.

"Say no more," he said quickly and then his hand was gone from my back. "I'll be in bed when you are done," he said before the door closed.

With him gone I opened my eyes, stupid Ros, I thought to myself as I took care of my business.

True to his word, he was waiting in the bed for me. He had moved the pillows against the wall so that I could lie at what was usually the end of the bed, it

would be easier to get to the bathroom this way. He lifted the covers, beckoning me to him without words and before thinking twice I slipped into bed immediately hitting his warm skin. I let him repositioning me, his hands moving over my body to mold me. Within in seconds I was now lying on my side facing him, one of my legs cocked over his leg, hot water bottle pressed against me, held in place by his body.

"You good?" he asked.

"Great," I answered honestly. Yes, I was still in pain, yes I still wanted to rip out my uterus, but I was in his arms, so everything was going to be fine.

"Try to get some sleep Ros," he said placing a kiss against my forehead, even though I was wishing his mouth would drop those few crucial inches to my mouth.

"You too GG," I smiled snuggling myself deeper into him.

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