Chapter 24: The Deep End

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I felt my face grow hot and I stormed back into the house. I slammed the door hard behind me making pictures fall off the wall.

I marched up to Tyler. He had this smug look on his face. Like this was just some sick twisted game. He had this grin worked to the side, after the horrible things he did to me an Trey. It only pissed me off that much more.

"Why!" I screamed at him as pulled him by collar to me. He just shrugged his shoulders. I punched him in his jaw making him fall on his ass on the hard wood floors "Why did you do this!" I yelled again, "Do you know what you did to him? To me! Us!" I screamed more at him as I kicked over and over.

"WHY DID YOU DO IT DAMN IT!" I hollered at him. I just kept hitting him over and over out of anger, frustration, and everything else that I was feeling.What he did to me! Was unacceptable! What kind of guy does that! And Trey he had tears almost in his eyes how could Tyler-, UGH I just kept attacking him.

He grabbed my ankle and yanked me to the floor and quickly pinned me. His hair had become messy and wild. His eyes had taken this eerie gleam to them that made him look all the more menacing. Something about his gaze made my skin grow cold and a deep instinctive fear that I didn't know even existed start to rise from depth of me.

"You think you can come in here and change-, everything!" He hissed, I could see his almost deadly sharp teeth, teeth of a pure cannibal.

"You don't deserve Trey, your kind doesn't even have the right to breathe and if I had it my way-," He gripped my throat hard and didn't waist time in cutting off the flow of oxygen..."You wouldn't."

I clawed at his throat terror all the more real now. "Tyler stop!" I breathed he only gripped me that much tighter. That gleam grew even brighter and he leaned toward my throat teeth first.

"The worst part was hearing you call our names, like you were our equal or something." He laughed darkly against my throat.

I pulled my arm back and punched him in his eyes. He drew away from me in pain. I took this as my opportunity and made a run for my room. He was fast, much faster than I could imagine. He snatched me by the neck and tossed me backwards I stumbled down the stairs collecting bruises as I did.

I landed at the bottom hard. I suppressed the urge to throw up. For several moments my head span uncontrollably. Those dots flashing to and from my eyes. I looked out to the kitchen, and slowly made my way to it crawling at.

"Where you going Alex? You weren't trying to run away were you?" He grinned I just picked myself up and stumbled into the kitchen. I slid behind the island trying to catch my breath.

Tyler has gone off the deep end.

"Now Alex don't be like this..." He called, clearly amused. I could hear the footsteps he was taking to the kitchen etching closer, slowly just to further ensure that I knew he was toying with me.

Just as he rounded the island an lurched for but I easily deflected and uppercutted him with a cast iron skillet I slipped from the stove. I kept hitting him over and over, breaking a leg, and bruising him.

"You never ever fight a women in the kitchen jackass!" I breathed throwing the heavy thing at him. I kicked him in his balls for good measure. I just walked away, limping and hurt. I needed to get away though far away.

I heard laughing over my shoulder. No. He can't be laughing. I heard his hand slap the counter of the island as he picked himself up. I turned my head to him in disbelief. He shouldn't be able to move!

I rushed to the front door and quickly to my car. I had left the keys in my room! Shit!

I could feel Tyler getting closer to me. I bit my lip and I busted my window setting off the alarm and badly bruising my hand.

I unlock the door and quickly climbed in. I bent under the steering wheel and removed the cover and started searching for wires. My hands were shaking like crazy.

I felt Tyler grab my hair and yank me. I screamed and cried trying to break free. He just laughed and pulled harder on me. I tried to start the car but I couldn't reach the wires anymore. I opened the car door slamming it hard against Tyler's legs making him stumble back a few steps long enough to grab the wires touch them and start the engine.

He reached for me but I quickly shifted in reverse and drove with my foot peeled to the ground. That feeling of fog returned.

I focused hard on driving, putting as much distance as I could between Tyler and myself.

I kept trying to focus on the road but the fog was relentless. Edging more and more. I didn't realize how exhausted I was. I really do need to sleep.

The speed monitor was gradually decreasing more and more.

The car jerked forward roughly making me hit the dashboard. Someone had hit me from behind hard. I tried to steady the wheel but my limbs were so stiff I couldn't move. He was going to make me crash.

The fog gripped me and began pulling my foot off the pedal.

No I can't slow down. I slammed my foot on the gas and the car raced off.

The fog was fading further and further from the etches of my mind and so was Tyler.

I knew what I had to do know.

I had to find Trey.

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