Chapter 19: Caged, trapped, and gearing for battle

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I fell to my knees and pressed my hand to the spot, the impression she had left.

Alex where are you?

Alex Pov.

The smell of wet dog rushed into my nose.

I was so cold, luckily I wore jeans and a long sleeve shirt.

I coughed and tried to cover my mouth but couldn't no matter what my brain said, my body wouldn't obey it.

Focus Alex...think

My senses slowly began to return to me.

The dull ache was still very apparent though. I could feel the wet floor on my cheek, so damp and musty. I couldn't see though, it was to difficult, so much blur. I just shut my eyes, and used the other senses.

I tugged at my arms again, my wrist were bound tightly by almost two inch thick rope by the feel of it. My legs were bound as well. Dammit! Why me? I could took in a deep breath and just ignored the slight despair that grew at the corners of my mind. If I'm going to get the hell out of here and back to the brats, I need to be practical. For my own sake as well.

I sat up the best I could after several awkward attempts. Forcing my eyes to open. I glanced around, I was in a steel cage, with a thick padlock on it. I didn't have a lot of space, it was just enough room to sit in, if I leaned forward. Dim fluorescent lights buzzed above me. I noticed there were other women and men trapped in here too. All locked up in some sort of basement, no windows, and I have no idea where the door could be.

We looked like the human version of an animal pound.

"Where are we? What's going on? What is this place!" I asked them pressing my face to the thin bars.

Growls erupted from some of the people others gave me this menacing look.

They all watched me closely, something is definitely wrong with these people.

I looked at them closer, a women to my left in front of my cage had a deep gash on her chest, right leg was purple and swollen it was obviously broken. This other man had a bruised up and clawed face, arm was missing as well. One man, wasn't even moving, his body was bent into itself. If I had to guess by the blue hue his skin took, he was dead.

The injuries, the scars, and aggressive attitudes, this was a fight club.

That's it, I need to get out of here. I can't fight in this condition, these people have been broken and trained to fight to the death, for survival, for life-and have lived on that brink. I am in no shape to battle something like that.

I looked around hard focusing. This cage doesn't look to strong actually. I laid on my back, put my feet to the cage and kicked as hard as I could. I kicked and kicked but the lock, nor the cage was giving away.

I huffed and rolled myself upward again.

The square shapes the bars made were small, only big enough to slip a few fingers through at best. Lock picking was out of the question. 

I sat up and pulled my legs in, and pushed my head toward my ankles. I bit and pulled the best I could at the knots.

I finally freed myself, well my feet anyway. Suddenly everyone around me started making this low growl, some even acted so wild as to punch and thrash against there cages. Howling in pain as they did. I noticed that they all had burn marks that match the cages.

I could faintly hear the footsteps over the chaos brewing.

A man, wearing a dirty white shirt that was covered in blood and grime stains, with jeans that shared the same stains plus holes. The dirt on his face seem to stream from his hair. Huge knuckles that were tough looking and battered. He was big, muscle toned had to be at least 6'5. This man was brawler, a very dangerous one at that.

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