Chapter 38: Confrontation

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I walked straight to the gardens where she'd be having her stupid evening tea when I noticed she had guess over. A couple. The woman was flawless long black hair, hourglass figure, long legs, and was all confidence. The man stood the same confident, tall, obviously muscular, and like his, I'm guessing wife, had black hair with a few grey hairs. Unlike his wife he wore a simple shirt and jeans.

I walked up and they both simultaneously turned around in a fighting pose. They glared at me. The wife eyes soften immediately. She suddenly wrapped her arms around my body and hugged me. The man looked at me awkwardly.

After a few more moments, and encouragement of her husband she let me go but still held me at arms length. There were tears in her eyes. I looked at the woman and the man, it finally dawned on me who they were. "You must be Trey. Alex-," She choked up a bit and another tear fell from her eyes. I looked at the ground and shuffled my feet around.

"Alex use to tell me all about you." She then slapped me on my cheek. "Hey!" I snapped she just smiled at me and hugged me again. "You deserve that. Trust me I know." I almost laughed. She kind of was just like Alex. Actually she was a lot like her. Vibrant, elegant, and just made you smile.

"Thank you." Her father said holding out his hand. I looked at him. I didn't deserve to, I let her down. She died because I couldn't man up and make a tough decision. Seeing her parents like this, only made things worst. 

He grabbed my hand and shook it firmly. Nodding his approval. He had respected me for loving his daughter. I clenched my jaw and kept my shoulders squared and firmly shook his hand back. I didn't earn this moment, his approval but maybe I could.

"If you can excuse us, I believe my son came here with a purpose." My mom coughed, "I'll meet you two in the dining room." They nodded and left to the dinning room. Without an escort or anything. "What are they doing here?" I asked,

"They want to have service here." She rebutted, "Why did you ask Alex of all the experienced, young, capable women here you decided to call her. Why pick a human of all things to raise your grown, messed up, vampire children? We could have snapped her neck on the first day, especially Tyler. So why of all people Alex. Why did you out of the blue call Gale here, and not on just any day but the day Alex was about die. Don't give me some crap that you don't know what I am talking about." I argued,

She stared me in the eyes. "Trey there are some things that should remain questions. Answers will only make it worst." She replied drinking more of her tea. "Don't give me some bullshit that I'm not strong enough! Okay! I have to watch the woman I love be buried in a few days. I have to wake up every day, and know that it is my fault and there is no going back! I have to live like that for eternity. Do you know how terrible it is to hate life so much, that breathing doesn't seem worth it. What really kills me, what honestly kills me inside, is that I never even got a real chance to love her. To have tough days or get yelled for leaving the seat up, and forgetting some random anniversary. I never even got to make it to Christmas with her. This is the first time I met her parents and it is because we're about to go to their daughter's funeral! So please don't bullshit me with how I can't handle it right now okay." I asked slamming my palms onto the table cracking it a little. My heart was racing and I felt like any moment my legs would give.

"I do understand. I understand more than you know. So don't come here yelling your head off at me! You think you know pain! You lost a love, and a brother? I've lost sons! Daughters! My husband! Friends! Subjects! More than what you could even imagine! So yes Trey I do understand." She snapped I could see my mom was tearing up, "I didn't have a choice. I did what I had to do. As a queen, as mother." "Mother tell me why Alex was here." I said carefully afraid to breath. Dreading what she would say.

She took in a few deep breaths and composed herself.

"Nikolas is attempting to create the perfect hybrid-one that can kill vampires and werewolves easily. He wants to rule both clans. I couldn't allow that, and the only way to prevent that was somehow to bring Alex into this. It's the only vision I had where Nikolas hadn't succeeded. I had no choice." She replied hiding her face in her hands.

Visions? It was always speculation about her being gifted with the ability. Nobody knew fore sure though, not until  now. "You knew Alex was going to die? You knew she wouldn't make it back to America-her home, me or her parents! You sacrificed her to get Nikolas!" I was trying to hold back my rage, attempting not to attack my mother. To rip her apart. 

She pondered my words for moment and then nodded solemnly.

"Why? Why didn't you just tell me? Why did you choose to use me-, like everyone else does! Huh? I expected this from Tyler, and even Victoria, but you of all people! What the hell is wrong with you. Then you have the nerve to drag her parents here? To pretend to be their friend. You chose to destroy our FAMILY, and her's." I sighed and dragged my hands angrily through my hair.

"Trey I had to do what-," "Do you think I'm some pawn that you can just move around? Tell me did you see this happening in your "visions"." I asked, "What part?"

"The part where I walk out on you too." I said turning away leaving,

"I did what I did for a reason. You needed to be where you are now. I had to save our people, and we all had to sacrifice something." "She was much more than something to me. Tyler is more than something to me. And what is that I had be, that was worth all this mother?" I laughed bitterly toward the sky.

"A man." She said firmly

I didn't say anything to that. I just walked off. I didn't need anyone. Definitely not my mother. I got home and was tempted to just drink, but that wouldn't solve anything. My problems, they were deeper than a bottle of Jack Daniels-they will always be. Nothing would take away the simple fact that I missed her.

I walked in my house and openly ignored whatever the hell Gale said to me and went straight upstairs. I glanced at Tyler's room for all of a moment before walking to Alex's. I pushed open her door gradually, my nerves tightened and part of me just wanted to shut the door and walk away. However I needed this I don't know why but I did. So I pushed open her door fully now and stood there at the doorway. I just looked at her stuff.

The guitar of hers, that I could here her strumming at all hours of the night. A painting or too. A few stuffed animals I had to practically twist her arm to keep. The game she use to annihilate me in. The batman movies she'd always make me watch. We would lay in here and some days just chilled and talked or listen to music.

There was no drink dark enough to make me forget all of that either. No drug, no alcohol, no sin was great enough to overcome the fact was she was gone. That I had lost her.

That was the reality of it.

Accepting that, it didn't lessen my pain but it felt better admitting it. Coming to terms with that wouldn't be easy but, it not something I can avoid. I laid on her bed and just closed my eyes. I promised her I'd live, but I didn't imagine it would be so difficult.

Gale showed up, "I know you're hurting, and you just don't know what to do with that pain. Instead of destroying yourself though, how about you build from this." Gale interrupted

I just wanted to punch Gale in the face.

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