Chapter 35: Tough choices

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Before Gale could say anything I knew already. Tyler....He needed me! I got up but then I notice something where's Alex? She was nowhere to be found? Nikolas tricked us. He knew we'd followed him. The pain Tyler felt grew severly. But Alex needs me right now, she's-, I can barely feel her threw my link.

No matter what Tyler does he's always going to be family-and my older brother. I can feel him slipping away too. "Trey! I'm hurt!" He grunted threw the com, "I'm on the east wing," He breathed, clearly labored. I swallowed hard, Alex needs help now too. If I leave this side to help him, she may not make it. It's either Tyler or Alex.

"Trey do you hear me?" He coughed, "I need you!" My heart was breaking, I stood in the hallway looking left and right. Left would lead me back to the east side, and right would be my best bet to find Alex. Family or love.

Even though I should have took a step back...even though Alex could have already been dead..and I knew Tyler would have came to my rescue. I found myself rushing to her. Running for all my worth. "Gale go save Tyler." I ordered as I ran down the corridor.

I was running blindly hoping for something, anything. "Alex!" I called over and over, "Alexandria!" I could faintly hear something. I stopped and focused on it. It was Alex, I could hear her heartbeat. I chased after the sound letting it guide me to her. I eventually could smell her too, it wasn't long till I found her.

She was hanging there in the room by ropes. Her back was covered in deep scars. Her blood was everywhere. I was disgusted with myself for slightly thinking of how her bloods taste and how good it was. The smell almost drove me over the deep end it was so intoxicating. My fangs shivered a bit. I shook my head and away my god awful urges.

I let her down. I failed her, I didn't keep my promise at all. She was covered in blood and bruises. I rushed to her, and ripped the ropes away from her wrist that was covered in deep rope cuts and burns. I grabbed her gently and broke the ropes releasing her. She fell limply in my arms. Her skin was as cold as mine. Possibly even colder. How could someone so strong...feel so weak? So light? 

"You - You came." She whispered her head leaning into my chest. Her hand touched my chest. "Of course I came. I couldn't let him... Oh, this is all my fault. If only I'd gotten here sooner." I replied rubbing her cheek delicately with my thumb."I told you not to." I laughed a bit. "When do I ever listen to you." My voice starting to shake.

"I wish you hadn't. Maybe... it's better - it's better this way. Maybe we weren't-," "Don't talk like that. You'll be all right. We're together now. Everything's going to be fine, you'll see." I reassured her I just smiled at her, and she gave me a weak grin before passing out in my arms.

"Alex! Alexandria!" I panicked I shook her. "You have to stay awake! Okay?" I said her eyes fluttered a bit. She was fighting still even after everything thats happened; then that means I fight too. This isn't the time to feel fucking guilty. I have to save her!

"Gale, get Tyler and meet me at the house!" I stated

If there is a God please do not let her die.

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