Chapter 33:Pain the enemy of Faith

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Alex Pov

I could feel myself sliding from the darkness that had me, and back into reality. Reality? C'mon Alex wake up. Wake up...I have to focus! I forced my eyes open. I tried to move but I felt my arms in bindings. My feet were too. Where am I...where are the twins? Where's Trey! What's going on?

I focused harder and tried to calm down. I was in some room and I have a feeling this isn't a test. "Hi Alex. It's nice too see you woke up." Nikolas said walking up to me as he wiped his hands on a cloth. 

"Nikolas....When I get free from this...I'm going to-," "Free? My dear girl what makes you think you're leaving this place alive. Alex I plan on burying you and you're precious prince's here. This isn't my hideout, it your graves." He grinned, I glared at him and pulled at my chains.

"You will never get your fucking hands on THEM!" I sneered,

It was weird how somehow despite everything I defended Tyler, as bad as he was, and after everything that happened he was still family to me. Nikolas smiled and grabbed me by the face and looked at me with black eyes. He kissed me and I could feel his thick large canine fangs on my lips as I struggled to break free.

My stomach twisted as he kissed me. I closed my eyes and trying to imagine it wasn't happening to me. That all of this wasn't happening to me. That's when I got hit hard. I could feel my conscious become shaky. "Wake up Alex. I need you up!" He demanded

I looked at him. "I need you to make a little phone call." He said dialing a number on his cellphone. "Tell the twins Hi!" Nikolas said putting the phone near me. His black eyes were glaring at me. I took a deep breath

"Fuck.....YOU!" I yelled so loud my throat burned and my lungs clenched. "Bitch! Scream! Tell them to come and save you!" He ordered grabbing me by the back of my neck. His claws dug into me, making my neck bleed. "Stay there! Don't you dare come. I''ll never forgive you Trey! Do you hear-," He slapped me hard making me see spots.

"Big mistake." He whispered to me. He walked over and pulled out a magnum handgun and aimed at me. My heart race. No, not like this . I looked at it then back to him. "I promise you that you won't make it-," He fired the bullets into my side

I screamed out. He fired several more times before he put the gun away. My muscles shook and trembled. "You won't die quickly. No I want you to suffer. I want you to swell with hate...with misery. You may not beg for death out loud but your soul will. You will die here, all alone in this God for saken place. I will be last thing you see." He said calmly,

I can't die, not like this not here not all alone tied to a chair! Without Trey! Not like this! I can't do this! "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I screamed pulling on the ropes making them cut deep into my skin burning and still I fought. I heaved and pulled over and over on the bindings. My bones began to ache from the strain of pulling against them. I could feel the blood run out my deepening wounds and cooling the fire sensation the ropes made.

He just laughed cruelly at my attempts.

He snatched me by my hair, lifting the chair along with me. He threw me roughly against the wall knocking the wind out of me. I choked and coughed hard trying to breath but I couldn't the taste of bitter copper, my own blood, blocked the air. He picked me up turned me over and tied me to the wall.

He tightened the ropes again to the point it roughly dug into me cutting even deeper into the wounds. Nikolas ripped my shirt off leaving me in just my bra. No please don't let this happen again. My mind was crumbling but I was trying to stay strong. I had to have faith, Trey said he was coming for me, he promised. "You sick fuck! Keep your filthy body away from me!" I threatened trying again to break away from the ropes.

"Rape you...why Alex of course not? You think you're that attractive, that's amusing." He reassured me rubbing his hand across my bare back. I exhaled slightly. That's when a new pain ripped threw me like nothing I have ever felt. A loud crackle broke threw the split silence between us, the leather than burst against my skin.

I could feel my blood running down my back from the whipping. I wanted to just break down. Was I going to really die like this? How could I die in such a way...a cruel way. I wish I could've said bye at least,

Wish I could have told my parents I loved them one more time. I wish I could have say goodbye to the twins too. Goodbye to Trey ...the only friend I had in this world truly. The only man that I "AH!" I screamed out again I began to cry

I don't want to die like this please. Please save me! Please! Trey! Save me!

"AH!" I screamed out again. I felt my pants become wet and the smell of my blood filled the room. The pain has become a dull numb ache now. I cringed again out of reflex. I hung my head low. My body grew heavier, and the ropes dug harder into my skin. I could feel the darkness coming for me

Maybe this time for good


A.N: I'm just curios how you guys feel right now so leave a comment if you can

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