chapter 15: Take a chance on Me

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Alex Pov

I felt so enraged. Oddly it was all directed toward Trey. I couldn't even seem to be remotely mad at Tyler.

I am just so tired of men. Men who lead you on and then just break you. Then call you crazy when you attack them with a nose breaking punch you learned in jujitsu.

Now that I think about it Trey, even though he has so many flaws. He never was seriously trying anything with them women.

Tyler though he has this sort of pull to me. Somehow though it feels false.

I don't know. It's all confusing.

I walked over to Tyler to try and set things straight, his eyes were focused on me. This feeling overwhelmed me. This happy tingly, loving feeling. My heart started beating faster with each step. My palms wereb moist. What is wrong with me? Get a hold of yourself girl!

"Hi Alex. Do you like this little party we put together for you?" He smiled handing me a drink. He had on this black, white, grey, flannel that stopped at his elbows. Grey tie and black slacks. He pulled his hair back so it looked tall and wavy.

"Tyler enough...of this. Whatever this is. I want no part in it." I demanded

"Why? Would want to do that?" He asked, his heart sounded like it was breaking. My tongue got tied. I could feel the guilt and compassion overwhelmed me.

"Why Alex?" He asked looking at me with his deep blue eyes.

I felt jealously suddenly shoot through me.

"Trey-," I started but I noticed something in Tyler eyes shift.

He hugged me to him. "Oh Alexandria...Trey he doesn't really like...sweety your too smart to honestly believe that he could feel the same. Trey who always has a girl in the house." He put his hand gently on my face.

I could feel my eyes sting. So much anger, and betrayal pumped into me.

I pushed him away and ran.

Trey stayed up with me, watched movies with and he-, he didn't take advantage of me.

That doesn't mean he liked me. But what does it mean. Tyler he's so different and he so charming. My heart races, and I can feel so much swell in me just by looking at him.

I don't know what to do.

I grabbed a chair at the bar and just sat there drink in my hand but never taking a sip.

"You know love. Its never a good sign to sit at a bar and not drink. That means you got some pretty heavy problems." This soft voice said I looked over to see this dark haired young woman glancing at me with marble green eyes.

I just looked away. She was indeed beautiful. She probably didn't have these issues what guy would break her heart?

"If we can have everyone's attention?" Drake said,

"A very good friend ours seems to be having a little bit of a game problem." Adam added almost laughing even.

"So we encouraged him to come up here and sort of express yourself. If you ever liked someone or had feelings." Adele explained

"Basically shut your mouth for a moment so he can get this done, if you don't you'll have to answer to us got it!" Drake stressed

What are they talking about? They all stepped off the stage and the spot light came on.

It landed on Trey. He was holding a guitar and had a microphone to his lips.

"I know you like your privacy, so I won't say your name. I hope my lyrics I this song...I just-," Trey was....nervous he might even be blushing.

He took a few deep breaths his eyes searching. My heart tightened was he looking

"The song is called Take a Chance..."

He started playing the guitar slowly and singing, he had a pitched and his guitar playing sounded bad.

He stopped frustrated. "I'm sorry I just...I can't-," he looked out and saw Tyler.

He really lost his confidence. He started to shuffle of stage when he suddenly looked up at me. His shoulders squared and he stood up straight and walked back to the stage.

He began playing the guitar again and this time I didn't cringe. The piano began to be played as well by Drake. Adam grabbed a base guitar and followed behind in vocals was Adele. (A/n this is a real song by JLS if you want to hear it)

"You're so scared to fall in love. 'Cause you end up in the dust. Everytime, everytime.

Now you see us all the same. Like our words are just a game. Spitting lies, dirty lies.

I know you know.

There's something here.

But you cannot get past the fear.

I can help you make it clear.

So when you feel like trying again.

Reach out, take my hand.

See how great it could be.

To fall in love with someone you can trust.

Who would never give up.

'Cause you're all that he needs.

Baby take a chance on me

Baby take a chance on me, oh oh

Baby take a chance on me

Baby take a chance on me, oh oh oh" He sang he was looking dead at me, the crowd clapped and cheered him on. He didn't pay it no mind he just looked at me and kept singing.

He stopped playing the guitar and just grabbed the mike.

" You give 100 percent but you've never seen a cent

They're so blind, they're so blind

'Cause I'm looking at your face

And the world's a better place

In your eyes, lovely eyes" His had this huge grin on his face as he rocked back and forth.

Then all the music stopped he stepped down of the stage and he walked through the crowd it parted for him.

"You got nothing to lose baby,

But you won't know if you don't try

Please don't leave me asking why?" He sang stopping for a moment my heart beat was going ridiculous. My eyes darted to Tyler his face was blank. I looked back to Trey.

"So when you're ready to choose baby.

I'll be here with open arms!!!!!!!

With the same in love in my heart!" He added belting his voice filled the room, he could really sing. He gazed at me as he held the high note. The music started back playing. He started singing again but so much softer.

"So when you feel like trying again

Reach out, take my hand

See how great it could be

To fall in love with someone you can trust

Who would never give up

'Cause you're all that he needs!" He was standing right in front of me now.

My hands felt like I slapped a baby fish. I gulped hard an stared at my lap. I could feel the light burning on me along with the eyes of the bar.

That's when I felt it...a mild shock. Trey hand was on my chin. He lifted my head so our eyes would meet. I could feel that wall crumbling down. I did want to...want to try. Try this with him.

"Baby take a chance on me, oh oh oh

So when you feel like trying again..." He added softly fading out.

The crowd clapped and whistled.

He removed his hands and just stood there suddenly his eyes glossed over he leaned over and planted a kiss on the girl right next to me. The black hair beauty.

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