Chapter 7<[^u^]/ i found it master

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A.N: Share rate and stay away from strangers prostate :)

Trey's Pov

For as long as I can remember its always been us.

In both our world's this and the vampire community ...we quickly learned that everyone has a angle everyone wants something

Its always been one thing or another, they want money, or titles, and sex. Which we never complained about giving them.

But, Alex she's not like any women, men, or beast we've ever met.

She has money, she's already famous, and she doesn't desire any pleasure from us.

I'm pretty sure my twin was thinking the same thing when she got it right, we we're going to lie and say she got it right anyway.

The last thing we would want is for her to go, the sex toy was just our way of teasing.

"I don't care rules are rules I want this mess cleaned up pronto." Tyler snapped into the small phone

I was so busy pacing back and forth through room I'd forgotten he was here.

"I want them pushed back. Rogue or not they will respect our territory. I DON'T CARE HOW IT'S DONE JUST DO IT!" Tyler almost yelled before slamming the phone shut and throwing on my bed

He rubbed his temple irritation clearly on his face

He always handled political problems...I was never competent supposedly.

It was no surprise people generally always expected less of me and thought little to nothing of me

I just sat on my bed watching a plan work be made in his mind ...

"Hurry up or do I have to come drag you down these stairs?" Alex yelled

I laughed inwardly I wonder ...would she still speak to us if she knew we could easily break her in two without using more than our thumbs

Nonetheless we rushed down the stairs to see her tapping her foot angrily

I tried to understand how she of all women could see us so easily as Tyler and Trey

Before we left to go get in the car, I grabbed Tyler.

"I hope you two don't mind but I thought we should go low profile this way we can shop in some peace so I rented us a car, its a regualar white Solar. I know its not royality fit but still its nice to ride around without being mobbed or attacked." She smiled,

It was shy, small town smile.

When I was left a lone I couldn't help but snoop through her stuff which is when I fell upon this picture of Alex with black hair.

Black hair has always been my weakness.

If she had it....

I don't even want to imagine I might get a boner and give some random runner a heart attack

She honked the horn motioning us to hurry up.

I opened my mouth like hell I was going to be drove around by her?! Tyler jabbed my side so I just got in ...but I glared at her the entire time

"No driver?" I questioned,

"If I had gotten a driver he would have just tipped reports and what not off about your where-abouts, and where you two were headed."

"No that would be unethical of them." Tyler challenged,

"Really? Being ethitcal doesn't pay bills. You know how much money can be made off you two, your princes, the media loves the royals, especially the arrogant ones. You too have to realize not to be so naive, and no more taxies. I had to trace down the last one and force him not to tell anyone where you two live." We exchanged glances, what could she have done to him?

"Don't think to hard about it, just know what I did was perfectly legal, according to you two." She said I could have sworn we seen her smirk in the mirror. Sometimes her roughness was sexy, other times...they were a bit intimadating.

She pulled up middle range from the store even though theyre were thousand of openening in the front.

"Why did we park so far?"Tyler questioned

"This was the only open parking spot." She answered,

"What about all the one's with the injuried blue guys?" I asked

"Those are handiwcap spots, you can't park in those unless your handicap, meaning you have a disablitiy." She answered rowing up the windows. She then turned around.

"Here, put these on." She said handing us some cool A's hats, sunglasses and hoodies.

"Why the hell do we need this?" I complained

"The last thing we need is to be mobbed visiciously." She replied

"But isn't that why we have you?" I teased,

"Yes, but I try to avoid fighting the best I can. Fighting is the reason why I'm here in the first place." She laughed me and my brother exchanged glances.

"Before you start running your imagination, thinking I did some illegal death match type thing. It was a street fight you fight in tell a tap out, or a knock out." She explained getting out the car.

"Aren't you going to open our doors?" Tyler asked she almost broke out laughing.

"No! Open your own doors." She laughed I just eyed the door. We both hesitated.

"Just open the door already!" She snapped we opened the door. We stepped out.

"Happy, we had to open our own doors." I said

"Ought, no complaining remember. Now lets hurry up so I can change."

I smirked but before I could make my move, Tyler had her in her arms.

"I think I enjoy you in this attire. Why change?" He said practually kissing her chin. I just glared at him.

"I thought we agreed no acting like rapist." She said shoving him off.

"I'm not acting like a rapist? I haven't tugged on your clothes, pressed you against anything, or threaten your virginity in anyway." She started to look red like a tamato.

"How did you know that I'm a virgin! You know what it doesn't matter lets just go inside." She said walking away trying to hide her redness.

My brother just shot me a smile.

"After you." He said we follwed her in the store.

She walked passed all the really expensive stores, that had all the good clothes.

She then stopped at this store called Macy's.

She wouldn't and she did, she walked right inside. My brother and I exchanged glances we have never been inside, I didn't even know there was a Macy in this mall.

She grabbed us by the arm.

"The first thing about being an adult is knowing to shop in a budget."

"Budget? Sorry you must have us mistaken for someone who are not princes, and rich." I replied

"We aren't going broke you know just becoming independent." I added

"You know the one thing I can't stand, are people who live so high in the clouds they don't even know they're way back to earth!" She yelled glaring at me before storming off.

Tyler glared at me too

What did I do? It's true !

ugh WOMEN!!!!!

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