Chapter 29: Just Got Real

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Alex Pov

I woke up my body ached, but in a good way.

Last night, it was amazing. It's how a first time should be-sweet, rough and full of love.

His arms were wrapped tightly around me. I snuggled closer to his chest. "Trey?" I whispered, he just hummed a soft reply and stroked my hair.

It was surreal all of it was.

"I never want to ever again." He grumbled,

"Well you have to eventually." I laughed

"Nope. Never, and your not going anywhere either." He stated holding me tighter.

I just laughed at him. Trey is ridiculous.

"You think I'm ridiculous?" He pouted,

"You can read minds now?" I asked,

"Well when you share enough blood with someone you form a link, right now it's one way. If share too much with you though-," "I'd become a vampire."

He nodded.

We just sat in silence. I may not have the link, but I knew the question that was on his mind. "Alex, you could stay with me, like this forever. Just you, me, and-,"

"And what Trey?" I asked pulling away from him, "What do you mean?" He question

"I mean, what about my parents. Children, a family-,"

"Am I not enough? I gave up everything. I dont need a lot but, I need you Alex." He sighed,

"Trey, we aren't meant to live forever and I don't want to. Everything that gives life it's reason is because we die. I love you I do, but Trey I want to grow old some day and have children and grandchildren-,"

"You want me to watch you die? We could adopt children and I'll turn your parents I'll do anything not to have to live without you. Don't ask me do this. Don't make me live without you." Trey stated

I looked at him. My heart going out to him. I wanted to be with him I did, I mean I do but how can I give so much up. A life with just him, no real friends, or my family we'll never have kids. I want him I do, but

"Let's not worry about this, not now. In this moment I just want to hold onto you and be with you."

He kissed my forehead. "How about we go to the beach today." He tried smile but, it just wasn't natural.

"Um, I'm go to the store. I'll be back, stay inside ok." He sighed grabbing his clothes and dressed then just left.

I grabbed my phone, and dialed

"Hello, Tyler we need to talk."


Trey Pov

I reached the store in a matter of moments.

It was a small local grocer. People walking around. I walked threw the aisles seeing children, families, and just people in general. They were idly happy among themselves.

I stared at the cereal. Looking at the Batman chocolate Cape Crusader Crunch. What do I do? I can't deny her, but-, I need her. How am I suppose to be with her and then just let her die.

"I can't do that!" I growled slapping the boxes down.

"Tsk, tsk. I thought I smelled your scent."

"Get the hell away from me Nikolas." I demanded

He just pranced on over. "Rumor has it that you and your brother aren't exactly on the best of terms right now." He stated as he pretended to be interested in some cheap knock off cereal.

"What do you want Nikolas? I'm already in a crap mood so I suggest you explain whatever it is you have to say before we have a spill on aisle four." I replied leaning on the shelf.

"Did you forget that my kind is a tad stronger than yours? Plus the fact that I'm from royal bloodlines is just a added bonus." Nikolas shrugged as he just kept glancing down the aisle acting like he was even more interested in the cereal now.

"This has been, immensely fun and all but I have somewhere to be." I stated turning to leave.

"Going back to that sweet human. What was her name again, oh that's right Alex." I stopped in midstep and stormed back to Nikolas,

"Leave her out of this. Whatever it is your planning. You leave her the hell out of it! So help me, I'll rip you to shreds myself and lay your pelt by my bedside." I snapped,

He laughed at me. "Well what do you know? The rumors are true-this is rich." He said grabbing my hands and twisting them roughly snapping every bone. I backed away hurriedly.

"Don't get carried away. I may not be able to do something directly to you-because the treaty and all but that little human of yours...well she's fair game." He smirked

I punched him in the jaw and threw him to the ground. "They need a body to determine if it's a murder." I sneered

He glared "You don't want to start a fight in here do you?"

"Do be mistaken although it is a misfortune I'll kill them, you, and anyone else to protect what's mine." I replied throwing him back down to the ground

"You're going to regret that." He mumbled,

"Not more than you will." I promised

This is bad, I Nikolas isn't someone you anger and even though I can protect myself I can't say the same for Alex.

His werewolves are ruthless and if he does mark Alex, it's only a matter of time.

I have to turn her into a vampire.

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