Woah Chapter 3 already???? 0.o A FIGHT TO THE DEATH !!!

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Author: Rate and Spread this like your a zombie with a new pair of denchers :)


I woke up, put on slippers a ice blue tang-top and a pair of grey sweats.

It was Saturday morning so I only had one plan in mind

Cartoons and Cereal I deserved that much right?

I was here for a day and was basically molested and god knows what they had planned to do to me.

Well it's quiet so they must be sleep-,

I glanced at the big ole brown couch to see Trey sitting there wrapped in some blanket watching a Batman cartoon.

The living room was furnished in a more retro them brown and light red. The floor was red wooden color. There was a large screen T.v. at the center. Too the left was a hallway that led to a spare room, and restroom. The kitchen was to the right and it had a bar like style and fancy stove plus steal iron fridge.

I walked to the living room cautiously starring at Trey like a hawk.

"No need to be nervous. It's to early to be a sexual beast." He reassured me before taking another bite of cereal eyes glued to the t.v. 

"I didn't know pervs had a code of conduct." I said sitting down on the far end of the half circle like couch.

"Only on Saturdays, only on Saturdays, you really should come to the meetings-,"

"Let me guess cookies?" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"Ugh..no that's the dark side... we got tacos which is like way better and stuff. Gosh like who didn't know that. Tacos are way more fetch than cookies." He said in his white girl impression

I laughed at the way he snapped his fingers to the words too. He just looked at me for a good moment. I coughed an recomposed myself, stareing down tucking my hair behind my ears trying to avoid his eyes.

My eyes however seen something utterly delicious and on the table. IT WAS CAPN CRUNCH!

"Ya know I love Batman! He is the best superhero hands down." I said reaching for the Capn Crunch and a big bowl that was on the table.

He swiped it out my hands before I could even register what happened

"What was that?" He asked his eyes became cornered and his head tilted to the side slightly.

"What? Batman is the best hero-," I started

Next thing I know I'm being hit in the face with Capn Crunch

Oh know...HE DID NOT !

"Superman is thee best hero duh." He said filling his hand with more cereal

He had this devious grin on him !!!

"Ugh! Your so immature!" I snapped throwing a stupid couch pillow at him.

"Ow...the soft cotton ...the frilly stuff I think it may have broke a rib....THE LIGHT I CAN SEE THE LIGHT!" He choked out dramatically before falling to the ground coughing and wheezing.

"That's it! It's GO TIME!" I challenged shooting up from the couch.

He just stuck his tongue out at me, and ran off. I started chasing him throwing everything AND I DO MEAN EVERYTHING at him except the couch and table

"Feel free to throw pillows again!" He yelled dodging a spoon

Before he could smile about it I got him straight in the face with a pot

...by the time I calmed down the house was a mess feathers, spoons, cans, pots, cereal, and pillows was everywhere it looked like the place had been ramsacked. We just sat there on the floor looking at the destruction we caused. It looked like a tornado had sex with a typhoon in here. I almost laughed at our handwork. "Some mature lady you are." He snipped glancing at me. I just slapped him with the pillow making him fall over himself.

We eventually ended up cleaning the mess and putting it all back.

"I didn't even get to watch my cartoons..." He mumbled picking up some more couch pillows.

I was going to snap at him...but my stomach growled

I sat on the floor grumpiness taking over. All I wanted was a dorky Saturday of toons and food.

"How about I take you out for a real breakfast." Trey shrugged holding out his hand for me to take.

I just stared at him, for a moment I just took everything in. His ocean blue eyes, the corny smile on his face, and the wild way his blonde hair was poking out. I couldn't help but laugh a bit as helped me up.

"Since you are my guest how about I not only treat you to food but the best breakfast this side of Romania." He added

Food...free....on a prince's tab oh Trey

You don't even know it but is probably the most seductive thing you said to me yet

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