Chapter 4 ~(*.*)~ Breakfast with a perv

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 I got dressed quick.

I did my hair up in a messy bun, faded jean shorts that looked good on my toned thighs, I wore a red blouse with my ankle length auburn boots

"OK I'm ready." I said taking the stairs by two.

I grinned to myself, he probably thinks I'm going to ask for eggs and pancakes, ohh no I am going to make him pay for not only ruining my Saturday but my cartoons and for completely disrespecting The Batman, were talking super fancy three syllable food names, exotic drinks, my mind just kept thinking of the things that punk was going to pay for.

I got to the last step to see Tyler starring up at me intently

"You wouldn't be playing favorites now would you?" He accused undoing his cuff links.

"No." I stated gazing at him curiously.

Tyler had on business suit tailored a deep gray with a little black here and there finished with a dark blue tie ....and it looked damn good on him. With his broad shoulders and long frame, Calvin Klein models would be put out work if this man ever decided to change professions. I was so busy lost in my thoughts that I didn't see him move besides me.

"Well let me change, oh and I hope you do wait.." He paused and leaned toward my ear "For me. Id appreciate it deeply. " I burned red for a moment. The way he said that-, just the thought made me shut my eyes. I shivered and grew upset I don't know whose mind was dirtier his or mine. I reached to punch Tyler but my stomach growled in protest ....

He just looked at me I could see the amusement in his eyes as he climbed the steps to his room.

If my tummy's tank was not empty I'd beat the smile off his ass I told myself as I plopped onto the comfy couch.

Something about him. Felt weird..I couldn't put my finger on it. There both pretty weird but, Tyler especially...

"Thinking about me?" Tyler whispered

I jumped out my skin and off the couch. He chuckled at me I just frowned and quickly got to my feet. It hadn't take to long though for Tyler to come back with a red semi unbuttoned short sleeve flannel shirt while wearing a black shirt underneath with some nice denim jeans. He dresses like a gentleman...too BAD HE THINKS LIKE A WHORE I thought as I looked him over.

"Where is Trey?" I questioned now that I noticed he's been gone for a while. He is going to make us late for breakfast. What kind of guy skips out on his word of a meal anyway?

"He has somewhere to be actually. Shall we?" He said holding his hand out directing me to the door, I was going to object to leaving Trey and being alone with Tyler ...but my tummy growled again and a girl's gotta eat before I wither away or something

 I guess Trey would be alright for an hour or so.


The place was a outside restaurant that had a great view and even a live band. The band played on a stage to the side, there was a dance floor under a beautifully decorated spring terrace. Everyone had on fancy expensive clothes and jewelery of some sort. I felt like we were to casually dressed him more than me.

Tyler just looked like he could careless, not even bothered by them. He just gazed at me, head in hand, like he was taking in a view or something.

It was quiet at first, like awkwardly quiet. I kept fidgeting with my water and silverwear.

"Alex do I, make you nervous?" He laughed lightly, my face must have gave me away because he quickly apologized

"Forgive me for laughing but you see it's, adorable. To think I intimidate you. You are beautiful Alex and if anything I should be scared of you. Especially after last night." I could hear his accent and it made me even more nervous his compliments didn't help either; adorable, beautiful ...I could feel a blush rising up on my face.

I seen that he was folding his napkin but not like in your normal out of boredom way

He had precision ...confidence he never hesitated.

I gasped at what I saw it was a rose but like made from a fancy napkin

"Forgive me I wish I could give you a genuine rose." He said softly handing it to me

I was speechless. I know it was lame to other people but it I thought it was kind of sweet. I felt emotions begin to kind of pour out of me, feelings I buried a long time ago. "I think we should go." I stated bluntly looking up from the rose.

"But why? It's so lovely wouldn't you, rather stay?" He asked simply his eyes had this glow to them.

"I-, I...We-," I couldn't form words. I grew frustrated and felt embarrassed. What's wrong with me? Fog formed in my mind and I was feeling compelled to stay.

"Your food madam, and sir." The butler said laying down multiple trays of food.

Tyler ate slow and royal like. I tried to but my stomach was not having it so I ended up eating...well let's just say not like him.

"And this is compliments of the house for our Prince." He said before pulling the lid off of platter revealing the most extravagant cake I'd ever seen. The details were amazing. I couldn't believe it was a cake, it had a man holding a woman dearly to his chest blooming from a flower that had white ridges and red petals.

"And so the beast asked the beauty. What does time mean to you? To which she replied the only thing strong enough to hold us apart, the only thing that can stop love itself. The beast held, no he embraced her into his chest. Trying to pull her into her body, no his very sould. Time is nothing, I shall not let something as frivolous as time have you for you belong in my heart and with me forever until the gods themselves rip you away from my arms. Do you feel the same, will be with me till the day time stops, or worst? He asked, she held him close and whispered even then I shall be with you my love. And so the beast bit the beauty, and with the curse of death he had found life finally. So is the story of the Beast and the Beauty." Tyler spoke twirling the cake around looking at it from all angles admiring the work.

Everyone had turned to listen to hear him tell the story. I half heartily wanted to here it again. The story made more feelings grow, and the more I looked at Tyler I felt my face flush.

"Wait, why is he called a beast?" I asked looked him over and over again and could find no deformity, nothing abnormal.

"For he is a vampire of course. This is Romania after all home to all beast." Tyler stated simply he broke of a piece of the cake and gave it too me on a plate smiling at me.

"Tyler we should probably go though..." I said focusing.

"Or maybe you should let me take you somewhere. Id love to see how you look as a woman." Tyler laid a hand on mine I smiled

L.A., California, Romania, and Europe guys seemed to have that one similar quality no matter where you go! Ugh!

I grabbed Tyler's hand an twisted it making him bend awkwardly...I got a few gasp for that and a "Oh my gosh" or two.

I was definitely upset now so not only did I drag his royal butt home but made him tip generously to the staff as well

"Alex. Wait." He breathed trying to block the door to the house.

"You already ruined a good meal and I swear you make another pass at me I''ll break your nose." I warned giving him the sternest glare I could muster l.

He pulled me to him. "Alex." He whispered

I punch him in his nose he quickly retreated from me then. "You really need to learn how to take hint!" I snapped, its like they had no training on how to treat a woman!

I just pushed the door open and walk in to see Trey in his boxers drying off his golden hair. He looked at me strangely. I gasped and quickly covered my eyes but the image was already saved in my memory, of his still damp abs and chest muscles  His hip bones and he had those lines that were like a arrow to his crotch.

I am so sick of these stupid boys !!!!!


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