1. We Only Come Out At Night

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So I deleted the other story I was writing, 'Oh, Abigail,' simply because I had no idea where I was going with it. I was having major writers block and was beginning to get frustrated. But, here is my new story. I know what direction I want this one to go in. Also, the story starts in September of 2014 and leads up to present day and so forth. It might have a lot of P.O.V changes, haven't decided yet. I will be taking this story slow aswell. Anyways, hope you all enjoy!


Ny'Elli's P.O.V:

It's about 12 a.m. right now. I am extremely bored texting my bestfriend Ty and watching The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. One of my all time favorites. You may be asking yourself: but.. Ny'Elli why are you watching a horror movie at 12 a.m?

That I do not know, I'm not spooked easily, so why not? I guess you could say I'm a horror fanatic. Let me rephrase: I am a horror fanatic.

After a few minutes of watching the Sheriff wrap up the girls body, I decided to go make some coffee. Ah coffee, my one and only love. Besides Kemper, (A/N: I got the name from the dude in Texas Chainsaw who dies first. Idk if I'm spelling it right but who care, not me.) my doggie. He's a bit of an ass at times but hey, I love him

I made my way back to my room. I layed in my bed and drank my coffee. Before I knew it, it was already 5:00. I can just call off work today. I have no idea why I decided to stay awake watching horror movies AND drink coffee. Three cheers for being a dumbass!

*4 hours later*

I woke up to my phone ringing. I opened my eyes and saw that Erick, my manager, was calling.

"H-Hello?" I stammered trying to stay awake.

"Ny'Elli! Where are you?!" Erick said from the other line, he seemed pretty pissed.

"Erick! Sorry I should've called, I am terribly sick and needed to stay home today." I lied. "I'll make it up and stay a few extra hours on Tuesday.." Considering it was only Sunday, I have time to fake being sick.

"Okay" he sighed. "Feel better." and with that, he hung up. I looked at the time. 9:15 seriously?!

I got out of bed and decided to take a hot shower. I don't understand myself sometimes: I hate summer, sleeping in a hot room and just being hot and sweaty. But yet, I love taking super hot showers. I don't know man, I just don't know.

I got out and put on a neon green laced bra and matching panties. I put on pair Beetlejuice leggings and threw on grey Captian Spaudling T. I should probably warn you, I have an obsession with Rob Zombie. I met him twice and he is truely the King of Halloween.

Afterwards, I did applied my makeup to my pale face and drew on my eyebrows. Staightened my shoulder length hair and put in my extentions. With my extentions in my "hair" ended a little below my breasts. Lastly, I put on some socks and my black spiked combat boots. I let Kemper outside and filled his food bowl.

I put on a light weight jacket and shoved my phone into my pocket. Grabbed my keys and headed out the door, locking it behind me.

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