14. November Days

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It is now November, my least favorite month. It's getting close to Thanksgiving which is good I guess considering it's food tune. Chris' mother invited my mom and I to Thanksgiving at their place.

I am very to nervous to meet his mom, if I'm honest. What if she doesn't like me? What is she thinks I'm a whore or something. Ugh, I need to shake this feeling off.

My mom is tagging along so she won't be alone. Chris' mom insisted, she just didn't just invite herself. Our original plan was to have my three brothers Keaton, Anthony and Teagan come down and bring their families, but their lady's are not up for it. Which is complete bullshit but hey.

Let me tell you a little about my brothers. Keaton has two daughters Laynee and Emily, and a wife, Sarah. Anthony has a girlfriend, Amy. Teagan has a son named Brody and his fiancé, Julianna. I only met my two nieces and my nephew twice, due to their moms who hate me. They refer to me as "goth trash" and think I'm some stuck up bitch. They have zero respect for my mom and me aswell. My mom hasn't even talked to my brothers in so long. All she wants is our family together for once, but no.

I miss hanging out with my brothers, I just miss my family. Especially my dad, I was a daddys girl. He treated my like a princess, which I was happy about considering I am his only daughter. Man, do I miss my dad.

Chris is at the studio today, Riley and Ty are at the doctors and Alexandra is working her second job. I wish I was at work right now. I might die from boredom.

I'm hungry, fuck. I got up and went to my fridge, but my luck theres no food. "Fucking Chris.." I muttered to my self. I went to my room and did my makeup. Afterwards changed into a pair of leggings and a Worn Doll shirt. I threw on my spiked combat boots and a cardigan. I grabbed my keys and headed to the grocery store.

Right now I'm in the frozen section getting Chris some wings. My cart is fucking full because well food. There isn't that many people here today which is great.

"Ny'Elli..?" I heard someone say, someone to familiar.

My head shot up. There Talon was "what?" I spat.

"H-how have you been? I miss you..." he said walking towards me.

"Doing fine" I said plainly and turned to walked the other way. Talon grabbed my waist and spun me around til' I was looking at him.

"I said I missed you" he said coldly. I scoffed "go away" I said trying to get away from him. His gripped tightened around me. "You aren't going anywhere pretty girl."

"Talon. Let go. I have a boyfriend and I am happy. Let. Go." I said through gritted teeth. He leaned down towards my face and I slapped him. Hard. "Fuck you Talon!"

I stormed off and went out to my car, leaving behind all the food. How the fuck am I gonna tell Chris?

"What the fuck! Ny'Elli you aren't going anywhere by yourself again! I don't want you to run into that creep again! Got it?!" Chris yelled. Wow controlling much? I simply nodded and went to lay in my bed. It wasn't long til' Chris crawled next to me. "I'm sorry for yelling, that just pisses me off. I love you" he kissed my forehead tinderly. "And I love you Mr. Cerulli."


It's Thanksgiving today. Which means I am probably really close to freaking out because I have to meet his family. Right now I'm getting ready, my makeup today is a regular dark smokey eye and winged eyeliner. I'm wearing my extensions too. For my outfit I am wearing leggings and a longish white sweater and my black Dr. Martens.

Chris is dressed in his regular attire: black skinnies and a Misfits shirt. Once we're ready we go and pick up my mom. She made a cassarol. Smells good.

The whole ride was just my mom and Chris talking, getting to know each other. We eventually got to Chris' parents house and my heart was beating super fucking fast.

We got out and walked up to the door and Chris opened up. "Chris?" I heard a woman yell. "Yeah mom!" I heard footsteps coming towards us. "Mom, this is my girlfriend, Ny'Elli. And this her mother, Claire." I smiled and she pulled me into a hug. "Nice to meet you Mrs. Cerulli" I said returning the hug.

"Come on" Chris said grabbing my hand. He took me to their den where I could meet his sister and brother. They were really nice. So was his dad, funny as well. I also seen where Chris gets his tallness from.

"Come on everyone!" Mrs. Cerulli called. We all gathered around the table. Chris' mom, dad and his sister on one side. My mother, me, Chris and his brother on the other.

We began digging in. The food was wonderful, Mrs. Cerulli sure does know how to cook. Every once in a while Chris would slip his hand between my thigh, trying to get a rise out of me. I just tryed to ignore though. But how can I?!

Mrs. Cerulli and I were making small talk the whole time. She was a very sweet lady. I would say today was a good day. But, it's late now. "Mom thanks for the wonderful food but we got to get going" Chris said. We all said our goodbyes and went out to the car.

We dropped my mom off at home and made our way back to my house. We got there and both flopped into bed. "My mom really likes you, ya know?" Chris grinned.

"How do you know?" I giggled.

"Because the way you and her were talking. She could never talk to my exes like that."

I shrugged and popped in a movie. I layed down, Chris could not keep his lips and hands off of me. Thanksgiving sex? I think yes.


Just a filler to be honest. Sorry if it's boring! :/

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