21. Tour Days

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At the moment, Chris and I are waiting for Josh Korel. He is on his way, he says he already picked up the rest of the guys, but you never know.

"Excited?" Chris asked.

"Excited to spend two months on a bus with six weirdos and a grumpy manager? No thanks."

"How rude" Chris said. I giggled and kissed his cheek "of course I'm excited!"

I heard honking outside, I knew Josh was here. Ricky hopped off the bus and helped us carry our stuff on. "Thanks Wicky" I said pinching his cheeks.

I got onto the bus, it was huge. I walked back to the bunks that had names on them. From the top was Vinny, Ghost and Ryan. On the other side it was Balz, Ricky and Chris. Then there were two extra.

Chris gave me a tour of the bus, afterwards we settled in. It was getting pretty late now, the guys have a big day tomorrow. Unloading at the first venue, then setting up, then sound check. Sheesh.

We're all sitting on the couch having small talk right now. "Hey Elli, how big is Chris?" Vinny asked.

"You would wanna know huh?"

Vinny nodded. "He only wants to know because we made a bet" Balz chimes in.

"What bet?"

"That Chris was bigger than Vinny" Balz shrugs.

"You guys are dumb" I rolled my eyes and got up to go change. Since I'm living with six guys now, I have to be fully clothed at all times. Shit, Chris already thinks that Ryan is trying to get with me. Even though he knows Allie and Ryan are together, and madly in love.

I changed into a MIW shirt and leggings. I walked out to see everyone watching Beetlejuice. I sat next to Chris and layed my head on his chest until I fell asleep.


I woke up the next day wrapped in Chris' arms. I started to feel claustrophobic though, I hate tight spaces. I got out of Chris' grasp and left the bunk. I calmed down some, man I thought I was going to die.

I went into the "living room" and sat down next to Ryan and Ghost. "Sleep well?" Ghost asked. I nodded and smiled "you?"

"Eh, it was alright" he shrugged. Bed-head Ricky came out only in boxers. "Morning peeps" he yawned. Soon after that Vinny came out.

"Hey! Where you boys and girl wanna go? IHop or Denny's?" Korel called from the front of the bus. Everyone yelled IHop. I went to Chris' bunk and shook him lightly "babe, we're going to IHop, get up." But I got nothing.

"Get the hell up!" I heard Ryan yell. I heard a thump and saw Balz laying on the floor. I giggled and helped him up. "Damn.." he muttered and went to the front of the bus.

I eventually got Chris to wake up. Everyone is dressed now and heading to IHop. "Hi how many?" the perky hostess asked, she seemed nice but you can tell she was terrified.

"Uh, eight please" Korel said and she nodded. She soon sat us and took our orders. Chris, Balz, Ryan and myself at a booth. Korel, Vinny, Ricky and Ghost at the other. She came back with our food and we ate.

"Chris, you're up. I need a break" Korel said tossing the keys to Chris. Chris and I we're in the front, he was holding my hand while he drove. We had our random convo's as always, while everyone was doing their own thing.

Hours have passed and we finally arrived to their first venue. The guys, along with their MIW crew helped set up. I had already started selling merch at the table. It was time for them to come on.

The first person on stage was Vinny, then Ricky, Ryan, Balz, Ghost and lastly Chris. They started off with Reincarnate. I was enjoying the music when someone walked up to the tent.

"Hey, you're Ny'Elli right?" the man asked.

I nodded, I felt like I've seen him before, I just can't put my finger on it. He look exactly like Chris though, which really through me off.

"It's me, Kuza" he said.

"Oh yeah! Hey how've you been?!" I asked hugging him.

"Good, good. Just came by to see the guys. And slipknot" he said amused. I giggled and we talked for quiet some time. I soon heard the crowd go wild and a very familiar voice. I turned around and squealed. Slipknot is on!

The started out with a very well known song of course, Psychosocial. I was enjoying myself, I forgot I was even in mid-convo with Kuza. He tapped on my shoulder, I turned around to face him "sorry... I really love Slipknot..."

He chuckled "it's cool, I'm gonna go find Chris alright?" I nodded and he walked off. A few other MIW fans came and bought some stuff.

The night was nearing an end. Sweaty Chris came and picked up from behind "EW! Chris you're so sweaty!" he chuckled. "I think I have someone you'd like to meet" he winked.

He lead me to the stage "Mr. Taylor, this is my girlfriend Ny'Elli, she is a HUGE fan" Chris said. I smiled and Corey pulled me into a hug. Is this really happening? "Very nice to meet you" he said. "I could say the same thing about you" I giggled. We talked for a while and I got to meet the rest of the band. We had to get ready to leave though, today was a pretty great day.

I could get used to this.

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