4. Puppy Love

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That night I arrived home I texted Chris. I was so anxious I couldn't hold it in.

Me: Hey Chris, it's Ny'Elli. :)

Chris: Sweeeeeet. I was hoping you'd text;)

Me: So wyd?

Chris: Laying down watching Halloween with Sabrina

I froze. For some reason I got really jelouse. Why? Why am I jelouse right now? I just met Chris but for some reason we seem really close.

Me: Oh, sounds nice.

He didn't text back for awhile so I decided to hang out with Kemp for a little bit. Kemper was all I needed, he was my baby. Oh what the hell am I saying?! I sound like a crazy dog lady for fucks sake.

Chris: Sorry for late reply, I got... Busy.

Yup. I knew it. I was going to die alone with Kemper. I looked at the time and it was 8:00. I decided it was time for bed.

Me: Okay well, I'm going to bed now. Night Chris.

Chris: Hey wait

Me: What?

Chris: Meet my at Starbucks tomorrow, around 10 ish? So we can bond and stuff.

Me: Sounds nice.

I plugged my phone into the charger and slowly fell asleep.

The next day I woke up and took a quick shower. I got out and put on my underwear and panties. Black skinnies and a Rob Zombie shirt. I did my makeup and threw my hair into a messy bun. I let Kemper out and then made my way to Starbucks.

I got there before Chris so I ordered. Not too long after Chris came in and ordered too. We got out items and sat down. "Sooooo..." Chris said breaking the silence.

"Well, whatcha wanna talk about?" he thought for a second and looked at me in my eyes. "You." he smiled. I blushed a little and took a sip from my coffee, "well, what do ya wanna know?"

"Anything" he replied.

"Well, I was born and raised in Texas. I lived with my dad, mom and three older brothers. It was torture, I kid you not." he laughed a little bit. "My brother Keaton introduced me to a musician of the name Rob Zombie when I was in 7th grade" his eyes lit up. "Now I'm obsessed." I laughed a little. "Highschool wasn't that bad in Texas, except I had an enemy, I won't name her but god she made my highschool years miserable." (A/N: btw the girl is Sabrina, I also have no idea where she is really from. But let's pretend she comes from Texas.)

"Anyways, during my senior year my dad had gotten real sick, he passed a couple months after I graduated. I guess my mom couldn't take it so she moved us here to Scranton to be with some family."

"Soon my brothers got married and had some children and moved away. So now my mom lives here own humble abode. I lived with my ex Talon for awhile until he dumped my for another girl."

"Ouch" Chris said. "Sorry Elli"

"It's fine, he's history. Anyways, I have two bestfriends Riley and Ty would helped me along the way. I got a job at Hot Topic, my own apartment, and my baby Kemper. I occasionally paint and draw sometimes. And take some nature shots in my free time. I also love heavy metal, coffee and horror."

He chuckled. "Well sounds like life is working in your favor now?" I smiled. "I guess you could say that. So tell me about you Cerulli." he chuckled lightly. He told me about all his highschool years and family stuff. More about the band and their early years. It was interesting learning about Chris.

I was so into his story that I didn't even noticed he stopped talking. "Do you mind?" he asked motioning to his phone. I shook my head.

He got up and walked outside "hey baby--" I rolled my eyes and checked my phone. One text from Riley and a missed call.

Riley: Hey call me when you're done with your lover boy;)

Me: Oh shutup!

Chris came back in. "Hey uh, do you mind if Sabrina joins us?" are you serious?! Of course I fucking mind!!!!

Before I could respond Sabrina walked in looking for Chris. "Hey baby!" she started walking towards us. When she got to the table her eyes widden and face grew with anger. She sat down and started making out with Chris right in front of me! At that moment I was waiting for Ty, Riley, My mom somebody to call!

After a few more long seconds later they stopped. "Baby, this is Ny'Elli. Ny'elli this is Sabrina. I rolled my eyes and she scoffed. "Okay, awkward...."

"How have you been. Elli." Sabrina asked. "Great... You?" I asked unsure. "How are you and uh Talon?" she smirked. That's it!

"I'm leaving." I grabbed my stuff and went home.

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