13. Halloween

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Candy apples and razor blades

Little dead are soon in graves

I remember halloween

This day anything goes

Burning bodies hanging from poles

I remember halloween.

Halloween by Misfits played in the background while I was at work. I know, how lame. Who wants to work on Halloween? No one, that's who. But you got to do what you got to do sometimes.

It's ten til' noon, then I can get a break. I need it right now, Chris kept me up all night. He was watching a hockey game. All night. I guess he thought I wouldn't hear his "fuck yous!" and "fuck yeahs!" but boyyyyy did I.

But Erick might let us off early due to Halloween. I hopefully can get few hours of sleep. Work today has been fucking crazy today. We're having a Halloween special sale, so people were taking advantage of it.

"Ny'Elli!" I heard Erick call from the back. I went to see what he wanted, "yeah?" I asked going into the back.

"You've been off today are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, just tired is all." I shrugged

He nodded "well if you want, you can go home. You look tired as hell and plus I know your costume is going need a lot of details and shit."

"Are you sure Erick? I can st--"

"Ny'Elli go" he smiled and shooed me away.

I went to grab my stuff and headed out to my car. I just need at least 2 or 3 hours of sleep, I'll feel better.

I got home and noticed Chris was still laying in my bed exactly how I left him this morning: spread out on the bed, one arm hanging off and pillow over his face. I crawled into bed causing him to stir. He opened his eyes "hey baby, back already?"

"Erick let me off early so yeah" I kissed his cheek and he pulled me into his chest. It wasn't long until I fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up to my phone ringing. "Hello?"

"Elli, what's up?" Riley said from the other line.

I yawned "just woke up from a nap, you?"

"Nothing just wanted to see what time you want Ty and I to come over?"

I looked at the time, it read 5:48, I sighed. "About 7:30, Chris and I should be ready. We still have to pick up Rick and Alexandra."

"Alright, see ya" and we hung up.

I shook Chris lightly and he opened his eyes. "We should get ready" he nodded and got up.

Tonight Chris and I, along with Riley, Ty, Ricky and Alexandra are going to a haunted house here in Scranton. Riley is terrified but I know she's trying to play it cool.

"Baby, wanna shower?" Chris asked. I nodded and we went to take a shower.

I have my costume done already, it was easy to do, well with the help of YouTube. I'm being Blind Mag from Repo! The Genetic Opera. I'm starting to do Chris' makeup right now, he's going as a used pumpkin salesman.

"Annnnnnnnd done!" I cheered. Chris looked in the mirror "wow babe, this is great!" he smiled widely. Before we left to pick up Ricky we took a couple of pics.

Ty and Riley finally got here. They were trying to rush us but ended up being late! They had the cutest costumes, Ty was Chucky and Riley was Tiffany from The Bride of Chucky. It was so cute!

"K, let's go." we got into Chris' car and made our way to pick up Rick. He only had his faced painted like a skeleton, how boring. We stopped to pick up Alexandra who was dress as a female Satan.

"Okay guys, we're going to have to squeeze" I said. "Well you guys are" Chris snickered.

"Shut up dude" Rick said. We made our way to the haunted house. Everyone was making small talk about completely random shit.

"We're here!" Chris hollered. We go out and paid the man at the front. We walked into a dark, foggy room. It was spooky, I must admit. Our little group tried to stay close to each other.

I must say the haunted house was fun. There were many different rooms and obsticles you had to go through to get to the end. It was like something similiar to what you see on T.V.

We drove Rick and Alexandra home. They really hit it off today, it was cute. We just arrived at my house. "Thanks for the fun night guys! Talk to you guys later!" Ty hollered. "Bye guys!" I hollered back.

I went into my room and changed into Chris' Misfits shirt. I took off my makeup, crawled into bed and closed my eyes. Not long afterwards a makeupless Chris jumped onto me. "Chris!" I smacked his chest. He laughed "sorry babe" he kissed me and pulled me into his chest.


I could've done waaayyyy better, sorry. I'm tired okay. Not too many chapters left and there will be many time changes.
You've been warned.

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