20. Slipknot? Slipknot.

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"Boy!" I heard. "Boy! Boy! Boy!" I kept hearing someone say. I must be dreaming. I opened my eyes only to see Rileys face. "Ahh! Riley what the hell?!"

She grabbed her stomach "it's a boy" she cheered. Oh my god.. I hugged her tightly. "A baby boy! Awh!!" she smiled. "They said I'm due sometime towards the end of July!" wow.. It's just now May too, only two months away...

"I'm happy for you! Any names yet?"

"Colton Alexander" she smiled. I nodded "so where are Ty and Chris?" I yawned

"Oh, Ty and I had a little word with Chris earlier. They're downstairs right now."

I nodded and got up made my way downstairs. It's been about three weeks or so since everything between Chris and I went down. Everything is alright now. It's just been me and him these past weeks. We've really gotten closer than ever too.

When I got downstairs, Chris and Ty were watching a hockey game. "Hey guys, wanna go out for food?" they all nodded. I went to change into my jeans and an MIW hoodie. Afterwards we all piled into the car.

We made it to Buffalo Wild Wings, we all ordered and made small talk. "So.... I know this is a bad time to ask but.." Chris drifted "Elli, wanna go on tour this summer? With the motionless guys and Slipknot?" (A/N: keep in mind, I don't really know when the actual tour starts.)

My eyeballs nearly popped out of my head. Slipknot?! "UH FUCK YES!" I shouted, Chris chuckled and kissed my forehead. I felt someone kick my leg "ow!" I squealed. "Els, can we talk for a second. In private?" Riley said through gritted teeth.

She dragged me into the bathroom "Elli what the fuck?!" she yelled. "What did I do?" I said raising my voice.

She pointed to her stomach "my situation, is due at the end of the summer!"

"Oh.. Fuck... I'll be back in time I promise!" she rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Weren't you just mad at Chris, like, not even that long ago?!" she spat.

"Yeah, well, everyone makes mistakes!"

"Whatever." She said and walked out.

I sighed and headed back to the table. It was silence the whole time. Chris and I said our goodbyes and left. We got back to my house and plopped on my couch. "Geez what was up with them?" Chris asked.

"Riley was mad that I'm going on tour, she thinks I won't be there when she gives birth" I sighed.

"Babe, if you want to stay--"

"No, Chris. I want go. Plus don't you need a new merch girl?" he nodded. "And Corey Taylor is going to be there so fuck yeah I'm going!" he chuckled and kissed my forehead.

We watched Ink Master for a while, "hey babe?" I asked.

"Yeah?" Chris said facing me.

"When do we leave?"

"Friday" he said plainly.

"Chris?!" I squealed.

"What?!" he jumped.

"It's Wednesday!"

"Oh yeah, well we leave this Friday" he said fooling with the zipper on his jacket. I sighed and got up to go pack my clothes. I decided to text Mitchell while I'm at it.

Me: Hey man, I'm going on tour with my boyfriend and his band. So I won't be able to work anymore.. Sorry..

Mitchell: Alright, have a good time. Will you be needing a job when you come back?

Me: Most likely..

Mitchell: Alrighty then, I'll keep that spot open for ya!

Me: Thank Mitchell! See you soon.

I finished packing all my clothes. I went to the bathroom and stuffed my makeup into my Elvira makeup bag. I packed all my girly bathroom items as well. I packed my laptop, my DSL camera and chargers. Now I'm finished.

I locked my house up. "So can I keep my car in your garage?" I asked Chris. He nodded and he drove his car to his house and I drove mine.

I parked my car into Chris' garage and he pulled in next to me. "You can keep your keys on this hook if want" Chris said. I shook my head "I'll just keep them with me" I said, he shrugged and went into his house.

While Chris was packing, I kept smelling this weird smell. Like dead rats, possessed by demons smell. I picked up Chris' shirt and sniffed it. "Ew Chris! What the hell go wash these" I threw his shirt at him.

He started laughing "babe, get used to it. You're going to be on a bus with with six guys. The smell will get worse. We rarely get to shower and wash clothes anyways" he shrugged.

"Hell no" I said and gathered all his clothes. I threw them in the washer and pulled out my phone to have a group chat with all the guys.


Ryan: Okay mom

Ghost: Quit yelling

Balz: Do what I want

Ricky: Better get used to the stank

Vinny: Nah

I sighed. After Chris' clothes got done I folded them up for him. "Thanks babe" he said and kissed my forehead. I smiled and helped him pack.

"Movie?" Chris asked. I nodded and he put on Jawbreaker. He sat down and I leaned into his chest. I can't believe I'll be meeting Slipknot. I am super excited. Just a day away. This is going to be great.


Only 5 more chapters left!

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