11. I Won't Let This Build Up Inside Of Me

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"What do you want? And how did you find out where I live?" I spat.

"I followed you and I'm here to take back what's mine." Sabrina shrugged.

"Why can't you get it through your head, Chris is with me!" I yell getting frustrated.

"No bitch, Chris wants me and I'll make sure to win him back. I know exactly how to." she put on a fake smile, it soon faded when she turned around and Chris was standing behind her. I'm surprised I didn't see him or hear him pull up.

"Sabrina seriously?" Chris spat.

"Oh Chris baby! I'm glad you're here!" She wrapped her arms around him. I'd be lying if I said that didn't piss me off. He quickly pushed her off and brushed passed her.

"Sabrina, you're pathetic. We aren't together anymore nor will we ever be. Oh yeah, I just got back from Ryans. Both Ricky and Vinny told me that you that you were trying to fuck em while we were together. You're disgusting. Leave and never come back." Chris said codly.

Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Chris was serious about this. With one last glare at us, she stormed off.

Silence grew between Chris and I. We just stood there by my front door not saying anything, so I decided to break the silence. "Chris, are you okay?" I asked. He shrugged me off and walked out the door. He got into his car and drove off, not saying one word to me. What did I do to him?

I sighed heavily. I tried to call and text him. He just kept on ignoring me. I have no idea what I did wrong or why he was mad. I decided to let him cool off, I went to my room and crawled into bed. Tomorrow's going to be a long day.


I woke up the next day and took a hot shower. I wasn't feeling it today so I put on a Freddy Krueger T and ripped skinny jeans. I straightened my hair. Only makeup I did was masacre. I have about an hour to spare and so I watched reruns of American Horror Story: Coven for a bit on Netflix.

I eventually went to work. It was a good day. Erick and Austin had been cracking jokes all day. Really layed back today, I enjoyed it. Erick hired another chick name Alexandra, I hung out with her mostly and from what I saw she was a pretty chill chick.

She has a long beautiful black hair, the left side of her hair is shaved and has a design. Her ears are stretched large, she has her right eyebrow pierced. She wore a Cradle Of Filth shirt and a leather jacket with spikes. Kind of similiar to the one I bought Chris. She wore ripped skinnies and her shoes were Dr. Martens with melted smiley faces on them.

Alexandra and I have a lot in common, I'm not very fond of people but she was insanly cool.

I decided to hang with my mom again today because now everyone was ignoring me. Riley, Ty, Chris, and now even the Motionless boys. I just don't understand what I did so I'm just giving everyone their space.

I was adding finishing touches to my moms painting. I really hopes she likes it. I think today we might go to more stores since most of them are opened now. I finshed my painting and let Kemp out.

I arrived at my moms finally. She greeted me with a big hug. "No full faced makeup today?" she asked.

I shook my head. "I wasn't feeling it today" I sighed "guess I'm just stressed. "Why?" my mother asked seeming very concered. I told her what happened yesterday with the whole Chris and Sabrina thing. I told her that Riley was pregnant and basically blocking me out of her life.

"Honey, all you can do is give them all their space and time. They'll come around." she assured me.

I nodded "why don't you say we go, yeah?" My mom and I made our way to my car and got in. We went to Walmart, Target, Spirit Halloween, and a costume store.

We're now driving back to my moms. I helped her carry her stuff in and we sat down to chat for a while. "Oh mom! Before I forget, I made you something!" I quickly got up and ran to my car. I came back in my moms finished painting.

I handed it to her and watched her face light up. "Oh honey this is beautiful! You have a real gift!" she exclaimed. "Thanks mom, I'm glad you like it." I smiled. We talked for about another fifteen minutes about completely random stuff.

"It's getting late I should get going." She nodded and we hugged once more. She walked me to the door "remember what I said, they'll come around" I nodded and walked out to my car, we waved at each other and I went home.

I got home and unloaded my car. I went in and started going through all the stuff I got. Let's see, from Walmart I got Halloween wrapping paper, candy, and a pumpkin costume for Kemp. You know those window sticker things that come in like blood splatters and skulls? Yeah I got some of those and miny pumpkins. From Target I got fake spider webs and a new fog machine, a plate that has a fake serverd head attached to it (it was cute, what can I say?) and two blood dripping candles. From the costume store I got a Blind Mag costume. Lastly from Spirit Halloween I got a fake pumpkin that cackles and this skeleton man that came with a cloak and sithe.

I changed into something more comfortable and relaxed with Kemp for a while, but of course, somebody just had to knock on the door once I got comfortable. I opened the door and to my surprise I saw Riley and Ty.

"H-hey" I said unsure "come in" I let them in and they sat down.

After a few long minutes of silence Riley spoke up. "Look Elli, we're sorry we were ignorning you these past couple of days. We were just stressed about the baby and the whole Dylan thing. We also made our relationship official and basically what I'm trying to say is that we're sorry" Riley sighed heavily.

"It's okay Riley, I understand why you were ignoring me, just next time come to me, okay? I can try and help you guys out. And I'm happy you two are a thing." I smiled and we all hugged each other.

"Mind if we stay the night? We can all have a movie night and order pizza, it's on me. We wanna make up for ignoring you Els." Ty said.

I shook my head and smiled. For the rest of the night we watched movies and enjoyed each others company.


It sucks I know Dx Sorry!

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