3. A Day With Motionless

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*two weeks later*

"Alright guys!" Erick said clapping his hands. "Last week Motionless In White released their new album Riencarnate. Sometime tomorrow they're coming here for a signing. I want everyone in their tip-top shape!" we all nodded, and by all I mean Me and Austin.

I went home later that day and started listening to it on YouTube. I was trying to get a vibe of what the actual guys are all about. My favorite song from this album is definitly Generation Lost.

Generation lost, we don't sleep at night, we don't give up

Generation lost, make a fist and close your eyes, yeah

Generation lost, we're here to stay cause we've had enough

Generation lost, middle fingers in the sky

Come on it's catching! I eventually fell asleep to Wasp.

That's a really great song btw.

I woke up next morning and took a quick shower. I straightened my hair and made my makeup look perfect. In my opinion anyway. I put on a pair of black skinny jeans, a Black Craft Cult shirt. It says "Hail Satan, Drink Coffee" on it. I put on my solid black Creepers. I grabbed a lightweight jacket and headed out the door.

I arrived at work and started to run the register. There is already a whole lotta kids outside for the signing. Mostly teenage girls in hopes of winning Chris' heart. It's quite entertaining.

Within a couple of minutes I heard people screaming bloody murder. Motionless In White was here. In walked six very attractive men.

"Hey, we're here for the signing?" Chris said. "U-um, yeah, haha um hang on" he nodded and turned towards the guys. Why the fuck am I so weird and awkward?!

"Hey guys! These two Austin and Ny'Elli" motioning to Austin and I. "Will help you set up while I get the kids under control and QUITE!" Erick screamed out the door. All the guys gave a little laugh at it.

Austin and I grabbed a long table and some chairs. We gave them some sharpies and left them to do what they do best. I took my place behind the register while Austin and Erick acted as "bodygaurds" as they both told me.

It was late now, the signing was done. "Hey, Ny'Elli right?" I heard a voice say from behind me. "I never did introduce us to you. I'm Chris" and put his hand on his chest.

"And that's Ryan, Balz, Ricky, Ghost and our "for now" drummer, Vinny." he said smiling pointing at each member of the band. "Very nice to meet you all" I nodded. "Good job with the new album by the way, I really like it." I smiled at them and they all nodded.

We all went our seprate ways but Chris followed me to the front of the store. "Need something?" I asked. "Nah, just wanted to see if you'd like to hangout one day with me and girlfriend Sa--" "Sabrina.." I growled.

He chuckled "yeah you know her?" he asked confused. "Oh boy. Do I. I'm flattered that you want to hang out with me, but Sabriana and I have a horrible past. I don't think she'll like that."

"She won't mind, here" he wrote down his number. "Text me and we'll hang out on day, okay?" he smiled.

"Can I ask you something..? Why do want to hang out so bad?" Oh my god am I really questioning this? "Well you seem pretty cool. And the guys seem to like you. And you like coffee." he grinned. "So why not?" I blushed lightly. "Fine, I give." "Sweet! Text me tomorrow okay?" he hugged me and inhaled his sweet scent. "Will do" I hugged him back and smiled at him.

"C'mon boys'!" their tour manager, Josh, yelled. "Okay we gotta go, hope see you soon!" I waved at all the guys and they left.

"So how was today?" Austin asked with a smile plastered to his face. Perfect! The Chris Motionless wants to hang out with ME! Of all people, ME!!! "It was pretty good." I say smiling at him.

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