8. Tis' The Season To Be Spooky

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October 1st

I woke up extremely happy today, wanna know why? It's October 1st!!! I know, I know you're probably thinking what's so great about October?

Well, well, well. I happen to love October a lot because of the fall season of course. Pumkin spice everything, Halloween, creepy stuff such as haunted houses and corn mazes, the leaves are changing and October just gives me a good feeling. Nothing could ruin today, but I stand corrected. I have to work.

I sighed and went to change. I put on a Dracula shirt and black skinny jeans. I did my hair and makeup. This is going to sound really weird but in every October I try to do inspired makeup and hair looks of some of my favorite women. So today it's Elvira, Mistress of the dark. I also wear all the creepy horror merch I have. So that's why today is Dracula.

I finished teasing my hair and putting in my extentions. I let Kemper outside. I put on a black leather jacket over myself and went to my car. Of course I went to Starbucks and got me my first psl of the season.

I got into my car and drove to work. I decided to play some Misfits because I love them!!

Point me to the sky above

I can't get there on my own

Point me to the graveyard

Dig up her bones

I finally got to Hot Topic and threw my empty cup away. I walked in to be greeted by Austin.

"Hey there, Elvira!"

I laughed and mimicked her voice. "In the flesh!" he chuckled lightly.

"Hey my two favorite people! How was the vacay?" Erick said.

"It was a nice week" I admit.

"It was chill" Austin said.

It wasn't really a vacation, we were only off for a week because Mr. OCD over here a.k.a Erick needed new carpet because a woman brought her baby in here and spilled her red soda on the floor. The stain wouldn't come out and Erick demanded new carpet.

"Alright peeps, get to work!" He said patting our backs.

Today seemed to drag on, business was so slow I decided to take a break. I checked my phone and had five messages. One from my mom and Riley and three from Chris.

I opened my moms:

Mom: Hey honey! How are you? Yeah me too! Well since it is October now what do ya say we going shopping? I also have two presents for you! Call soon sweetheart love you!

My mom and I both really love October. We always go shopping for Halloween items and stuff. Actually, Halloween is the reason why me and my mom are super close. I really enjoyed it. It kind of became a tradition of ours.

Me: Yes of course how could I miss that?! I'll swing by after work. Love you!

I opened Riley's:

Riley: Wanna hang later?

Me: Sorry babe, made plans with mom. You know the biz

Riley: Okay yeah but buy me a pumkin!

Me: Gotcha;)

Lastly I opened Chris':

Chris: Happy October 1st!

Chris: I really hope you aren't irnoring me, I want to see you.

Chris: -_-

Me: Haha sorry, maybe later we can hang out okay? Spending the rest of the day with my mom.

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