5. Leave A Scar

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Chris' P.O.V:

"How have you been. Elli." Sabrina asked her in a somewhat bitchy tone "Great... You?" Elli asked nervously. "How are you and uh Talon?" she smirked at Elli.

"I'm leaving." Elli got up and walked out.

"Ny'Elli no!" but it was too late, she was already out the door and into her car.

Now I know what it meant when she said "Sabrina and I have a past." I can't believe Sabrina right now.

"You didn't have to do that you know?" she laughed. "I want you to stay away from her Chris. As in, don't talk to her."

"Excuse you? She's my friend! Why do you always do this? You did this with Maria, Ashley, Megan, even the guys! And now Ny'Elli?! I'm getting sick of it!"

She grabbed my arm but I yanked it back. "Leave me alone right now Sabrina." With that I walked out to my car.

I pulled out my phone to call Elli but there was no answer. I tried once more.

"What" she answered extremely annoyed.

"Are you okay?" I'm sorry abo--"

"Look. Me and Sabrina don't get along and we never will. She hates me. I don't want to be around her at all."

"Yeah and she doesn't want to be around you either." I muttered.

"That's fine with me." she spat.

"And she doesn't want me around you either..." I drifted.

"I guess you should listen to your girlfriend, Chris. We can't be friends and that's that. I'm sorry Chris. Goodbye."

Before I could even say anything else she hung up. Seriously. This is all Sabrina's fault.

Something in my gut was telling me not to invite Sabrina. I just wanted them to get along.

And I can't believe Ny'Elli wants to end our friendship before it even started. She didn't even give it a chance because of Sabrina. And in all honesty I don't even have feelings for Sabrina anymore. I care about her yes, but I don't think I'm in love with her. She wants to put on all her social media how she is "in love with me" but yet treats me like trash? Not only me, but my friends and fans aswell.

All her bullshit is just getting old, I can't take it anymore. Even the guys are getting annoyed with us because she won't let us hang out and BE GUYS. Ugh...Desicions, decisions.


Short chapter, oh well. I probably will post another chapter tomorrow before I leave my dads and lose wifi. Also I am not hating on Sabrina in anyway, I have no idea how she acts irl. But her being a bitch and stuff fits in with the story. So sorry if you like Sabrina!

Vote and comment aswell please!

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