23. It's Time

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Burn! Baby burn!

She's a witch, she's a witch!

And I'm a heretic,

So learn! Baby learn!

She's a witch, she's a witch!

And I'm a heretic,

So learn!

Oh Abigail how could you do this to us?

You were a product of lust,

Product of lust!

And now this rope on my neck,

Stopped all the blood to my head,

So now Salem please save me.

Salem please save me!

Wish upon the stars but they won't save you tonight

God has forsaken thee to hell,

We're going to hang from the sky!

Feel, the weight of the stones

Crushing on your chest!

Confess! Confess!

Confess before you rush out of breath!

Confess, confess here for your sins!

Chris sang Abigail into the mic. I love this song and I love Chris' voice. Today has been an easy day, no one really said anything to each other. I guess we're all stressed and are just ready to go home.

The boys just went on the stage, Slipknot left yesterday after their set. Chris wanted to make it up to all their fans today though, since our stupidity got in the way of it yesterday.

The guys finished of the night with Scissorhands. The crew are putting all their stuff up now, we're about ready to head out. Sweaty Chris came up to me and gave me the wettest kiss on my cheek. "You did good babe" I kissed him.

"Okay guys, we're ready" Ricky said. We all pilled onto the bus and made our way back to Scranton. It was... Awkward. No one really talked except Chris and I.

"Guys c'mon, this is our last time we're going to be together for a while, let's let what happened yesterday go and hang out. As friends." Balz said.

We all agreed, Balz was right. The boys started talking about how much fun they had with Slipknot and meeting some fans and other band stuff.

"Hey.. Can I talk to you?" Vinny asked me. I looked at Chris who had a blank expression. He simply nodded his head and Vinny led me by the bunks.

"Look, I'm sorry about what I did yesterday and then blaming it on you. It was stupid of me, my emotions are just everywhere." He said.

"It's fine Vin" he opened his arms for hug. We hugged and went back to the guys. Ibsat down next to Chris and leaned on his shoulder "How'd it go?" he asked. "It was okay" I smiled.

"Babe, I actually want to ask you something" he said looking down at me.

"Okay..." I looked at him and we gazed into each others eyes.

"Well, we already live at each others houses as it is, I was wondering if you wanted to move in with me?" Chris asked hopeful.

"No" I said looking down.


I kissed his nose "I'm just kidding, of course I do" he sighed in relief. My phone started vibrating like crazy, Ty was calling me.


"Els! Riley! The baby!" he yelled.

"Oh my god! Um, we're about two hours away from Scranton."

"Please hurry!" he hung up and I looked up to see everyone staring at me. "Um, Riley is in labor."

"We'll have Korel drop you off at the hospital and I'll go back to your house and drop off all our stuff" Chris chimed in.

I nodded and told Korel the plan, he agreed. Wow, I'm actually nervous. Me. Out of people. I remember when Riley said she would never get pregnant. But look at her now, about to have a baby. What will happen if I ever get pregnant? Will Chris leave me? He told me multiple times that he doesn't want children, yet we still have unprotected sex.

I'm just nervous about the future I guess. I've always wanted a child of my own, to be honest. But Chris doesn't want any. I can tell you right now if I was to ever get pregnant, I would not abort it, or even give it up for adoption. The guilt would follow me everywhere.

"Ny'Elli!" Korel called, pulling me out of my thoughts. I quickly gave Chris a kiss and handed him my keys. I ran off of the bus into the hospital.

"Hi, I'm here for Ri--"

"Els!" Ty called, he looked like he was about to have nervous breakdown. "Come on!" he called running down the hallway. I followed after him into Riley's room.

"I'm her f-fiancé and this is her s-sister" Ty said anxious.

The nurse nodded and let us in. Riley looked like a mess. I walked in sat down next to Riley.

"Hey sis, how ya feeling?"

"Bad! Get him out! This is too much!" she yelled.

The nurse checked on Riley. "Riley sweetheart it's time." she said. She made me leave while Riley gave birth. I'm glad I did, it sounded horrible. I soon heard a baby crying, either that or Ty.

Ty swung open the door and pulled me in. I saw Riley holding little Colton Alexander. He was a cute baby, he has Riley's blue eyes and Dylans blonde hair. She let me hold him. And I'll be real right now, I cried.

I took a picture of them in awe of their cute little family.

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