10. Planning

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Three updates today woooooo!


It's Sunday today and I planned to do something I haven't done in a while. Paint. I always wanted to become an artist, but sadly I didn't. I do occasionally paint and draw sometimes. It brings me peace.

I pulled out my phone and connected it to my laptop. I opened the picture I took of my moms flowers and decided to paint that and give it to her as a present.

I was painting and I must admit, I missed this. Painting was always a strong skill of mine. I was in the middle of painting when I heard a knock at the door.

I got up and opened the door. There Chris was standing in the door way. "Hey baby" his hands were on my hips and mine were around his neck. "Hey" I pecked his lips.

"What's up?" he asked. "Just painting something for my mom, I feel like I haven't done any art work in a while so I feel like I must" I smiled.

"Can I see?" I nodded and we went to my kitchen table. "Wow babe this is great!" he grinned. "Thanks babe. Hey why don't I get dressed and we go get lunch?" I asked. He nodded and I went to my room to do my hair and makeup. I did my makeup as Nancy Downs today. I didn't put my extensions in though I just put my regular hair into a ponytail. My hair as grown quiet a lot and it now stops at the end of my breasts without my extensions in. I sort of like it because now I can put it into a messy bun without extensions.

I wore a long dress, similiar to Nancy's. I put on my solid black creepers and my leather jacket. Chris was in the living room with Kemper sitting on the couch. He stood up and kissed me. "Wow babe I'm really diggin these different outfits." I smiled and kissed him back. "I'm glad."

We went to Denny's for lunch, it was nice just Chris and I. I mean I know we hang out a lot but it still was nice. He had to leave though, he said Josh, their manager, wanted to meet them at the studio. We arrived back at my house. "You know, kinda happy you got that call." I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

He looked shocked "well then" he said. I giggled "only because I was going to get your birthday presents." He sighed in relief and kissed me deeply. I really wanted him. I layed him into the couch and started straddling him. He groaned in frustration and gripped onto my hips.

His phone rang and he sighed. I got up and walked him to the door, we kissed once more and he left. I sat down at my laptop and I thought of what I could get Chris for his birthday. So far I thought of giving him birthday sex. I wasn't going to let him dominate me though, oh no. I was going to be his mistress.

I sighed and got a notification on my phone. It said that Rob Zombie was coming to Scranton the day of Chris' birthday. I squealed. This is perfect, I'll buy us two tickets to see Rob Zombie, then after the show give him birthday sex.

I'm also going to order him two Black Craft Cult shirts and a leather jackets with spikes. Oh god, Chris better love me! His birthday is about a week and a half away so I went ahead and ordered his jacket and shirts.

I went to Ticket Master and bought two tickets to Rob Zombie's show. I guess I could plan the party aswell.

Since the concert is at 7p.m. I thought would be cool if all the guys stayed at Chris' house to set up until the concert was over. After the concert, I drive Chris back to his house and everyone surprises him. We throw him a little party then kick everyone out so Chris and I can have sexy times. It's a good idea eh?

I decided to text the girls first: Allie and Ryan-Ashley. I told them the plan and they all agreed to it. They also will tell the guys to keep it a secret aswell. I told angelo and also went on Twitter and sent DM  to Ashley Costello of New Years Day. This is what I said:

Nyelli_Rose: Hey Ashley! I'm Ny'Elli, Chris' girlfriend. They guys and I are throwing him a little a birthday at his place. The plan is Chris and I are going to a Rob Zombie concert while everyone sets up for the surprise party, we get there, surprise him and just have a good time? So what do ya say? Also it's just his band and their lady's and Angelo so if you do plan on coming would you mind bringing some more friends of his? Anyway thank you Ashley! Hope I get to me you.

I went to Riley's afterwards and saw Ty there. I asked if wanted to come and they agreed. I think Ty and Riley might become a thing. Ever since the other day, they spent every second of every minute together. It's kind of cute.

"Hows the baby?" I asked Riley. "Doing good I guess" she said leaning into Ty's chest. I nodded "Soooooo" I said. They didn't respond. It was really awkward. "I guess I'll head out now?" I sighed. "Okay Els, see ya later" Ty said. I waved and walked out to my car. Jeez I wonder what's up with them.

I decided to drive to the mall. I went into Victoria Secret and bought some lingerie. A purple and black corset top and black bottoms. I also bought some fishnets. I was checking out and the clerk looked at me funny.

"What?" I snapped. She studied me for a second and then said my name. I look slightly confused and studied her "oh..my..god." I muttered. Sabrina. She smirked "how ya been elli."

"Just fine thanks" I grabbed my stuff and got the hell out of there. I made my way back home to paint until I got bored.

Chris texted me saying he'd come by later. Oh yeah and Ashley sent me a DM back she said:

Ash_Costello: Sure we'll stop by! I'll bring the rest of my band and one of his old friends Kuza! Oh and Megan too. Can't wait to meet you Ny'Elli:)

That brought a smile onto my face. I could use a walk, so I put Kemper on a leash and we went for a little walk. We came back and I changed into something confortable. Chris' Beverly Hills 666 shirt and leggings. I took off my makeup and threw hair into a messy bun.

I've been thinking about getting rid of my extentions and cutting my hair short. Maybe similiar to Joan Jett. I don't know yet.

I layed there and watched Big Bang Theory for a while. I heard someone knock and I changed the channel to Scrubs, it might be Chris and he hates Big Bang.

I sighed and opened the door only to be met face to face with Sabrina.

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