19. Seeing Is Believing

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Ny'Elli's P.O.V:

"Ch-chris...?" I heard someone say. I turned around to see a girl. She had long black hair and green eyes, she was pale and skinny. Wearing a black crop top, high waisted shorts, and black creepers. Her makeup was dark and her eyebrows were perfect. I must admit, she was gorgeous.

"C-carlie?" Chris choked out. She nodded and he stood up to hug her. They were making small talk, Chris kept his eyes on her the whole time. He obviously had forgotten I was there. "Ahem" I said and they turned to me. "Oh, um, Carlie this is my girlfriend Ny'Elli" he motioned to me. She smiled and they continued to talk, which felt like forever.

And then it hit me. This is Chris' ex Carlie. Didn't he say he hated her just last night? Now they're all buddy buddy. This doesn't make any fucking sense.

I pulled out my phone and called Quinten.

"Hey girl, make this quick" he answered.

I sighed "okay. Just wanted to see what's up."

"Nothing just at my moms house. Hey-- mom! No! Don't you dar-- got to go call you later." He hung up. I sighed and grabbed Chris' keys.

I started to walk out to his car when Chris grabbed my arm. "Where are you going?"

"To the car. I don't want to interupt. Lord knows we wouldn't want that" I growled. He let go and sighed. I went to car and played Rob Zombie on full volume. I got a text.

Riles: Hey hey

Me: What's up?

Riles: Sitting at home, come hang out with me? Ty is supppppper lame

Me: Can you come get me? I'm at Starbucks.

Riles: Okay.. Where's Chris?

Me: Tell you later.

Riles: Kk, omw

About 15 minutes passed and Riley showed up. I got out of the car and walked back into Starbucks. I threw the keys at Chris, who had now been sitting down.

"Where you going now?" he asked.

"Riley's" I simply responded and walked out. On the way to her house I told her what happened last night and today. "Els, don't sweat it okay?" Riley said. I nodded. We got to her house and I jumped on Ty who was watching House On Haunted Hill.

"So... Any baby names yet?" I asked tossing popcorn into my mouth.

"Nah, we're going to see the gender next week" Ty said.

I nodded, "Ty are you going to sign the birth certificate?"

"Fuck yeah. If Dylan doesn't want to step up, I will, for my Riley." he kissed her temple. I awed at them. We watched a couple of movies and then I had Riley drive me home. "Bye sis, love you!" I yelled as she drove off.

I kept trying to get a hold of Chris, he was still ignoring me. I'm done playing the guess where Chris is game. I got into my car and drove over to his house. I knocked a few times, no answer. I know he is here what the fuck. It was unlocked so I just walked in.

Man this place was a pig sty. I walked down the hall, I heard giggling and little moans here and there. Do I want to know? I pushed open his door, I cannot believe what I saw. Chris and that bitch were fucking! I gasped and Chris' head shot up, he was all sweaty and panting.

"Ooooohhhh, so this is why you've been ignoring my calls and texts, huh? Oh don't worry I'll let you finish your nut. Don't wait up" I rolled my eyes and walked out.

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