25. Only Us, Forever and Always

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Chris' P.O.V:

"Happy birthday baby!" I shouted at Elli and climbed on top of her.

"Thank you" she said groggigly. It was actually really cute. Today is September 12th, her birthday. Then tomorrow is our big day. I'm honestly really nervous, but excited at the same time.

I pecked her lips, "get dressed. I'll be waiting downstairs." I got off of her.

"Wait. What time is it?" she asked sitting up.

"One o'clock"

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!"

"Because you looked so peaceful, and you needed sleep" she nodded and I went downstairs. I watched Dexter on Netflix for a while. 

Elli pulled my hair slightly "ready?" she asked. I nodded and he headed out to the car.

"Sooooo, where we going?" she asked. I just smiled and kept on driving. I plan to take her out to eat, then to the fair and afterwards to a movie.

We pulled into Denny's and got situated. We talked about random things as usual. I'm ready to get the fuck out of here. This waitress is pissing me off.

"Your check sir" she handed it to me. I thanked her, paid and we leave.

"Finally" I sighed.

"Why finally?"

"The waitress was pissing me off."

Elli nodded and we made our way to the fair grounds. Long story short, Elli made me ride everything with her and I won her some stuffed animals. Our movie doesn't start until 8 though, we have an hour to spare.

"Baby, we have time to spare so let's go to the mall" I suggested.

She shook her head "Chris you've done enough for me" she smiled and intwined our fingers.

"Baby, today is your day. I want to." I smiled.

She nodded and we made our way to the mall. I bought her some new clothes, shoes, vinyls, make up and other shit she wanted. Now we're on our way to the movies. It's supposed to be really fucking scary, but we'll see.

Throughout the whole movie Elli kept hiding her face in my arm or in her hands. It was cute but now it's time to go home. We go a big day tomorrow.


"Dude calm down, you're sweating like a whore in church" Ryan said.

"Yeah dude, it'll be okay" Ghost said patting my back. I nodded and tried to relax. I looked around and saw all of our friends and family here.

I heard the music start playing. I saw Elli's niece tossing the little red petals onto the ground. I saw Ny'Elli and Keaton walking down the isle. God, I can't believe I'm actually marrying this stunning woman. "You look so beautiful" I whispered to her. She blushed and smiled. "We are gathered her today.." the priest started out, I zoned out though. I was too busy staring at Elli.

"You may now exchange your vows" the priest said to Ny'Elli.

She takes a deep breath before starting "I, Ny'Elli Burnam, take you, Chris Cerulli to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day foward. For better or for worse, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish: from this day foward until death do us part." The ring bearer hands her the ring and she slips it on my finger.

"And you" the priest says.

"I, Chris Cerulli, take you, Ny'Elli Burnam to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day foward. For better or for worse, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish: from this day foward until death do us part." I slowly slid the ring onto her finger.

"Ny'Elli, will you have this man to be your husband: to live together in the covenant of marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor him and keep him, in sickness and in health; and forsaken all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?" the priests asks her.

"I do" she smiles.

"Christopher, will you have this woman to be your wife: to live together in the covenant of marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honor her and keep her, in sickness and in health; and forsaken all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?" The priests asks me.

"I do"

"Then the power invested in me by the state of Pennsylvania, I now pronouce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

I pulled her close to me and connected our lips. So much passion and love in our kiss. I heard people clapping and whistling at us.

She pulled away and looked up at me, "Only us?"

I chuckled remembering our saying. "Only us, forever and always princess."

~The End~


That's it for Synthetic Love! Sadly, I will not be writing a sequal for this book, so my apologies. I would like to also apologize for these last 5 chapter being sucky! I lost inspiration along the way and I am going through a lot right now.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please do not forget to vote, comment and follow. I follow everyone back!

I hope all is well for everyone, you guys rock! Don't forget it!

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