24. Home Sweet Home

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Big smut scene in this, heads up~

"Last one babe!" Chris called. Today I moved into his house. I got go keep some of my stuff, the rest of my shit wasn't really important.

"I can't believe it.." I mummered.

"Believe what?" Chris asked confused.

"That I finally am living with you!" I squealed. Chris chuckled lightly.

"Hungry?" he asked, with a devious grin on his face. I knew exactly what he meant. Usually Chris is in control of what happens in the bed room, but today it's my turn.

I grabbed his hand and led him up to his room. I shut the door and pushed him onto the bed. I gave him a little show only earning me a few frustrated groans.

"Oh, I see" he said. He sat up and stared at me with lustful eyes. He yanked me down and hovered over me. "Oh, kitten. You aren't dominating me today" before I knew it, he sunk his teeth into my neck, nibbling at my sweet spot.

I moaned out his name. "You like that?" he whispered. I nodded quickly, moaning lightly. Chris wants to play nasty? Then let's play nasty.

I pushed him off of me and tugged on his shirt. He took it off and went for his pants. "Let me" I said. I yanked his pants down and he kicked them off along with his boxer.

I stared at Chris with an innocent look while took the tip into my mouth, slowly sucking it. "Fuck baby!" he groaned. I took his length into my mouth, bobbing my head at a steady pace. Chris took a handful of my hair and startrd mouthfucking me. I gagged a few times causing him to moan, a much needed sexy moan.

Chris bucked his hips "you don't swallow until I say you can" I nodded and he continued to mouthfuck me. "F-fuck!" he moaned. He released into my mouth "open" he said firmly. I did so and he smiled at the sight. "Okay baby you can swallow." I swallowed his warm, salty cum.

"Bend over" Chris demanded. "But--" "We aren't doing what you think" he chuckled. I hestitantly did as I was told, he pushed head down so I was face-down-ass-up.

I felt him tease by running his tip over my cunt. "Fuck, Chris please.." I moaned. "Please what?!" he said smacking my ass. I whimpered "fuck me! Fuck me Chris!" I yelled, Chris slammed into holding my hips into place.

He started thrusting harder and deeper into me. "Chris!" I moaned out. "Fuck baby your so tight" he groaned. He pulled out of me. I was confused for a second until he grabbed my hair and pulled me to his chest. He started rubbing my clit violently.

I threw my head into his shoulder and felt my eyes roll into the back of my head. "Chris!" I moaned. I climaxed and Chris didn't stop rubbing me. "Please" I whimpered. I love the way he is making me feel.

He pushed me onto the bed once again. "Not done with you yet" he growled. He put his mouth onto my clit, I threw my head back and moaned his name. "Baby, you taste so good" he mummered. I felt the knot in my stomach grow tighter. Chris stopped "don't cum again yet. We're releasing at the same time. Understand?"

I nodded and he slipped inside of me again. His thrusts were sloppy and at a steady pace "whos fucking you?" he whispered. "Fuck C-Chris I'm close!" I said dragging my nails along his back. "Now" he moaned, sending me off the edge. I felt Chris spill inside of me, left out a sexy sigh.

He layed next to me, wrapped his arms around my waist and snuggled into my neck.


The day Chris woke up so we can go out to eat. We went Denny's then afterwards walked around the mall for a bit.

"Yeah and then Ricky would play some guitar parts on the bass" he laughed. He was telling me some old memories from him and the band. I giggled "Ricky, I swear. I worry about that boy sometimes."

"Boy am I glad to be home!" he said walking into Hot Topic. I cringed when I saw Erick. "Elli!" Austin shouted and pulled me into a hug.

"Hey how've you been?" I asked.

"Good, you?"

"Great. The tour went well, but glad to be back home" I smiled.

"Hey man!" Austin greeted Chris.

Chris smiled and nodded. We all talked for a little while. Austin was telling us about his cats and new apartement. I was listening to what he saying when I saw something out the corner of my eye. Or someone.

"Ny'Elli!" Erick cheered and pulled me into a hug. Wait what? Is this seriously happening?

"Hey..." I responded pulling away. "Oh come on. You're not mad still, are you?" he asked. I huffed "seriously?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Ny'Elli I'm sorry, can we let the past be the past?" I shrugged and looked at Chris who's expression was blank.

I shrugged "Fine I forgive you" I mumbled.

"That's what I'm talking about" he pulled me into a hug and ruffled my hair. We all talked for a little bit until Chris was getting cranky.

The car ride was awkward and silent between Chris and I. I decided to speak up. "Baby, you okay?" I asked, hesitantly. He just simply shrugged and pulled into the driveway.

He didn't even look at me or say a word to me. He went up to our room and shut the door. What could have gotten in to him? He was fine just an hour ago. I knocked a few times but he didn't answer.

"Chris, open up please" I begged. He slowly opened the door and sat back down. I got on my knees and held his hand. "Chris? Please talk to me, did I do something?" he shook his head no. That's when I noticed he was crying. Chris Cerulli never cries.

"Chris" I drifted. "You're too good for me" he whispered.

"Why are you saying that?"

"I saw the way that Austin kid was staring at you. Eyeing you with the lustful eyes. It made me relize that you can have anyone you wanted. You are too perfect for me. It made me relize how lucky I actually am."

I felt my heart break "Chris, I am far from perfect. If anything I'm the lucky one. You're perfect in ev--"

"Ny'Elli why would you be with someone who cheated?!" he stood up

"Chris! Everyone makes misakes! And because I love you. Chris I love you so much."

He crashed his lips into mine and kissed me passionatly. "I love you too Ny'Elli, which is why I must do this."

He got down on one knee and pulled out a little black box. "Ny'Elli Rose Burnam, will you marry me?"

"Yes! Yes!" I cried. Chris wants to marry me! He slid the ring on my finger and picked me up bridal style.

"How about a movie?" he grinned.

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