7. Open Your Mind Before Your Mouth

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I woke up the next day, I felt two long tattoed arms around me. I realized I was still in Chris' bed.

Naked. In. Chris'. Bed.

I slowly got out of his grasp and got up to change. I noticed my clothes were still downstairs. I grabbed a random towel I found on hanging on his closet door and wrapped it around myself.

I ran downstairs and quickly put on my clothes. I left his house and made my way home. As soon as I got home I couldn't hold it in anymore. I started to cry. I felt so guilty, I made Chris cheat on Sabrina with me! I know she hates me but no one should be cheated on. No matter how bad they wronged you.

Being cheated on is such a shitty feeling and no one deserves it. Lust took over me. I can't stop crying, the guilt was eating me alive. I need someone to talk too. Riley.

Me: Hey Riles can you come over? I need to talk

Riley: Omw

About 15 minutes later Riley showed up. "What's wrong?!" Riley asked really concerned. "Me and Chris had sex last night" I sobbed into my hands.

"And you're crying why?"

"Because he has a girlfriend! I just feel so guilty! It's all my fault!" I snapped.

"Elli, it's not all your fault. It's his fault aswell. And why do you feel so guilty? I mean I get he has a girlfriend but isn't she that one girl you hate?"

"Because!" I screamed. "Being cheated on isn't fun. It makes you feel worthless and no one deserves that. Not even Sabrina."

Riley sighed. "You're overreacting Els, talk about it with Chris it'll make you feel better"

I nodded. "I'm gonna take a quick shower, would you mind feeding Kemper? When I get out we can go for coffee?"

"Sure" she smiled. I ran to my bathroom and took a hot shower. I got out threw on some leggings and a over-sized HIM sweater. I did my makeup and wore my hair into a messy bun. I put on my spiked combat boots and went downstairs.

We arrived at Starbucks and ordered our stuff. Riley and I were in deep conversation. Mostly about her and Dylan, I didn't mind though. It took my mind off of Chris. My phone began to light up telling me someone was texting. I sighed heavily, speak of the Devil.

Chris: Ny'Elli, we need to talk.

Me: Agreed.

Chris: Come by as soon as possible okay?

Me: Kk

I guess I should go now? It could be really important. What if he never wants to talk to me again? No, no, no I like talking to him and being around him. Ugh.

"Hey Riley, sorry Chris wants to talk." I sighed.

"Oh okay... Need a ride?" she asked.

I shrugged "if you don't mind."

"Of course not!" She chuckled. We walked out to her car and jeez it got colder outside then earlier, I kind of figured since its the end of September. In fact October first is next Saturday. I am super excited because October is my favorite month. "What's his adress?" Riley asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

I told her and we arrived 20 minutes later. "I guess this is your stop." she smirked. "Yeah I guess so, I'll text you okay?" she nodded. "Bye sis" and she drove off.

I must admit, I was nervous about what he was going to say. Hesitantly, I knocked on his door. Couple of seconds later Chris opened up. "Hey come on in" he said. I nodded and went to sit on his couch. The couch. I had a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. Chris finally broke the silence.

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