22. Lost On The Last Day

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We've been doing the same routine for weeks now, the tour is coming to an end. Tonight we get to stay in a hotel which I am fucking thankful for. Squeezing in a bunk with Chris and listening to Ryan snoring all night is getting very annoying.

"Okay guys, Ny'Elli and Chris get a room. Balz and Ryan, Ricky and Ghost, and Vin you're with me" Korel said, tossing everyone their room key. We all nodded and went our seperate ways.

"Baby, wanna shower?" Chris asked. I nodded and started to strip, wrong timing because someone walked. Oh joy, it's Vinny.

"Hey man, you go-- woah.." he stood there mesmerized by me. I scrambled and hid behind the curtians. "Oh my god, Vinny don't you know how to knock?!" I screamed.

"Kinda glad I didn't" he said smirking.

"Dude..." Chris said "what do you even want?!"

"I just need some shampoo jeez" he retorted.

"Well we're out, please leave" Chris snapped.

Vinny shrugged and left. Chris locked the door and came over to me. "You know you're cute when your naked and nervous" he whispered in my ear.

I blushed at his comment "come on, let's shower." I grabbed his hand and led him to the bathroom. He stripped down and we got in.

After a while, we got out and went back into to our room. Chris pushed me onto the bed and hovered over me. Our lips connected and I slipped my tongue into Chris' mouth. Before I knew it he started rubbing small circles on my clit and massaging my breasts "baby, I need a way to relieve my stress" he whispered in my ear.

He slipped a finger into me causing me to moan out his name "oh Chris.. Please" I moaned, gripping his hair. I felt him slowly put another finger into me causing a moan to erupt from the back of my throat. "Chris! Yes! Faster" I yelled out. I was close, I could feel it. Chris put his mouth onto me, starting to suck on my throbbing clit. I let out a much needed moan, coming undone under his touch.

Chris sucked on his fingers before flipping me over "on your hands and knees" he demanded. Oh god... He wants anal. He gripped onto my hips before entering me. I squealed at the pain. This is the second time we've done this, I am NOT used to it.

I could hear him grunt and groan while trying to adjust his size into me. I moaned, but not from pleasure, from the pain. "Chris, pleas--" I screamed when he hit a certian spot.

"Am I hurting you baby?" he asked. I nodded and he pulled out of me.

"Sorry.. Told you I was stressed" he said. "Sorry I can't handle the pain" I said pulling my knees to my chest. He shook his head "don't be." I nodded and he threw me one of his shirts and my panties. He only put on his boxers and we climbed into bed.


I woke up the next day to everyone gone. I had a text from Chris, it said he and the guys went to browse and they didn't want to wake me. I shrugged and went to go make me coffee.

Tonight is the last show and then we get to go home. I'm so ready, I miss my bed man.

"Ellayyyy what's crackin" Vinny said walking in. I just rolled my eye and went to find some clothes to wear. High wasted shorts, MIW Crew tank top and my Dr. Martens. I was doing my makeup when Chris came into the bathroom and smacked my ass, causing me to mess up my eyebrow.

"Really babe" I said fixing my smudge eyebrow. He laughed a little "sorry, I love you" he said leaning down to kiss me. "And I love you" I said kissing him back. "Hey the guys and I want to take a little hike up these mountians we found, you down?"

"Sure that sounds fun" I replied. "Okay, well we're leaving soon. Our show doesn't start til' seven." I nodded and he walked out.

I finished up my makeup and walked out to the guys. "Korel! We're going for a walk, be back soon!" Chris hollered. We started walking down the dusty path that leads to the mountians.

"It's so hot out here" Balz said, we all nodded in agreement. Man it really was hot out here. We are so far up the mountian, I have no idea where we're at.

Out of no where Vinny throws me over his shoulder and runs off. "We're off to see the wizard! The wonderful wizard of Oz!" he sang, still running. "Vinny! What the fuck!" I punched his back and he put me down. "Ow! you bitch."

"Next time don't fucking run off with me like that!" I growled. I started to walk back, but I have no idea where we are or where the path is. I mean, we can't be too far.

"Chris!" I called out "thanks Vin, now we're lost. This is fucking perfect." I said walking off.

"Gosh, I'm sorry. I was just having a little fun" he muttered.

"A little fun Vin? Really? Your little fun got us lost and you guys have a show in about an hour!"

"Maybe I just wanted to spend some time with you!"

I was taken back at that. "What?"

"Yeah! I've had a thing for you since the day we had the signing at your job! But of course, you went for Mr. Hotshot!"

"Vinny! Stop!"

"No! Do you know how it feels to like someone you can't have?!"

"No, bu--"

"No you don't! I'm out of here!" he got up and stormed off.

"Vinny! You can't fucking leave me here!"

"Yeah fucking watch me!" he spat. I sighed and tried to follow the path we came from. It's pretty dark out now. And a little chilly. Ugh.

"Elli!" I heard someone call, I looked up and saw Ghost running towards me. "You okay?!" I nodded and sat down. "Guys! Up here!" Ghost called.

All the guys came running up to where I was. "Baby!" Chris called and I jumped into his arms.

"Where's Vinny?" Ricky asked.

I shrugged "we kind of go into an arguement and he stormed off."

"About?" Chris asked raising his eyebrows.

"Well, um. He said he had feelings for me, we got into it and then he just walked off.." I heard Chris growl, "let's go find him, we already missed our set." We all nodded and went to find Vinny.

After what felt like hours of walking we finally found him. "Ever pull a stunt like that and I'll kill you!" Chris growled in his face. Vinny just nodded and we started to walk back to the bus. All silence, no one spoke a word.

When we arrived, Korel shoved the word irresponsible down our throats so many times. "You guys so fucking irresponsible! You made all you fans waste their money, just so you could walk around and get lost!" we all nodded and stayed silent while he lectured us some more.

"Her" Vinny pointed to me "It's all her fault."

"What?! How is this all my fault when you ran off with me and got us lost from the other guys?!" I yelled. I felt Chris tense up. Everyone else stayed quiet once again. I stood up "fuck this."

I went to Chris and I's bunk and crawled in. Soon I felt two arms wrap around me. "Nothing was your fault baby" Chris kissed my temple. I nodded and snuggled into his chest. "Tomorrow night we leave after our show. We have to make it up to our fans."

I nodded once again. Today was hectic. How will things be now that I know that know Vinny has or had feelings for me?

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