12. Happy Birthday Chris!

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The next morning I woke up to Ty and Riley both gone. I figured they had work or a doctors appointment or something. I went to my kitchen and noticed a box sitting on the table.

I opened it and saw Chris' leather jacket and shirts. I went outside to the mailbox to see if the tickets came in yet. Sure enough, they did. I went back to my room and wrapped his shirts and jacket in the cute Halloween paper I bought. I put the tickets in my wallet and went back to my kitchen to eat something. I'm starving.

In the midst of eating I got a text from Chris:

Chris: Baby, I'm sorry for ignoring you, I'll come later when you get off okay?

Me: Yeah sure

Chris: Come on, don't be like that I know you're upset but I can explain.

Me: Okay Chris, but I'll see you later I got to get dressed.

Chris: Okay kitten;)

I blushed a little at his text, he does that on purpose. After I finished eating I went to my bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Today I decided that I was going to be Morticia Addams! After I finished I went to change. I put on a Morticia Addams shirt and skinny jeans of course, and my spiked combat boots.

Work was super slow today, nothing really interesting happened today. I invited everyone to Chris' surprise party which is only three days away. I gave them his address and told them they should be there around 9:00p.m.

After a long day, I finally was able to go home. Chris showed up about an hour later. We talked and worked everything out. He told he was mad at Sabrina and didn't want to take it out all on me. I understood but told him next time he needs to come to me so we can talk it out instead of him handling it like a teenager.

We're currently cuddled up in my bed watching a some show.

I'm glad everything worked out.

Day of Chris' party:

Today's Chris' birthday! It's Saturday and Chris is still in my room sleeping. I got up to make him some breakfast. Bacon, eggs, waffles and coffee.

Soon Chris walked in and hugged me from behind. "Morning baby" he said groggy. "Morning handsome and happy birthday!" I turned around to kiss him. He kissed me back and smiled "smells good."

"It's all for you, go ahead and eat" I kissed his cheek and sat down.

"You're not going to eat?"

"I already has some cereal, I'm good."

Chris nodded. He sat down and started digging in. I went to my room and grabbed my wallet. I came back and Chris looked at me confused. "Tonight at seven we're going to see a Mr. Rob Zombie" I said waving the tickets in the air.

He smiled widley "holy shit babe! You're the best!" he kissed my cheek. "I know, I know" I giggled "I have something else for you." He rose an eyebrow and I went to get his other present.

I came back and handed it to him. "Go on, open it" I encourged. He nodded and smiled when he saw his presents. "Thank you baby" he kissed my forehead. "Anything for you" I smiled.

Chris and I are getting ready for the concert. Allie, Ryan-Ashley and Kelly are already setting up at Chris' and the boys went to the store. Ash said they're about two hours away and will be there about eight. Everything is falling into place. "Baby, let's go!" Chris hollered. I obeyed and we drove to the venue.

It's now 9:15, and let me just say the concert was fucking amazing, Rob Zombie did another amazing performance. We're driving back to Chris' place for his party.

Another fifteen minutes passed and we were there. We got out and walked to his door. As soon as he opened it everyone yelled "Surprise!"

We all mingled and hung out for awhile. I finally got to meet Ashley and damn that girl knows how to have a good time. I also met Megan Massacre and Kuza, Chris met my work buddies. Tonight was a great night and I hope Chris enjoyed it.

There is so many people here. Many were drunk and had to have someone take them home, others were sober and dancing around. "Hey, it's time." I whispered to Allie. "Alright everyone! Let's take this party to my house, Chris and Ny'Elli have business to do!" Allie shouted. "Gross" Balz said. I flipped him off in response.

We all said our goodbyes and thank yous to everyone who came and brought presents. While Chris was still downstairs, I ran up to his room and looked for my bag I snuck in here earlier. I changed into my outfit and touched up my makeup.

I knew everyone had left by now, so I decided it was time. "Oh Chrisssss" I said out his door. "I have something special for youuuuuu!" I soon heard his footsteps running up the stairs. He came in and his face lightened up. "Baby, what's all this?" he asked, his eyes never leaving me.

"Oh you know, I thought I'd give you a little present" I smiled seductivily. I lead him towards to bed and pushed him onto it. I crawled on top of him and began to straddle him, he dug his nail into my thighs and groaned.

I tugged on his shirt and he slipped it off. I began kissing and biting his sweet spot on his neck, only earning me a few moans. He flipped us over to where he was on top of me, his hand were behind me and he undid my corset, throwing it elsewhere.

Chris slipped his tongue into my mouth, exploring the inside. Soon enough I was only left in my fishnets and him in his boxers.

Chris trailed little kissed from ny neck to my stomach and stopped at the fishnets. He ripped them a little and slipped his hand inbetween my thighs. I gasped when he started to rub my soaked clit. He then slipped one of his skilled fingers into me, followed by another.

I threw my head back into his pillow, this sensation Chris was giving me was the best feeling ever. He crouched down and started to tongue fuck me. I was screaming his name, pulling his hair. He only went faster, wanting me to jump of the edge. The faster he got, the closer I was. I finally released. Chris ate all on me.

I stood up and got onto my knees. I pulled down his boxers and he kicked him off. I eyed his long erection for a minute before I began to pump him. I put him into my mouth and bobbed my head at a steady pace. Chris gripped onto my hair and moved me how he wanted.

"F-fuck, yes, just like that" he moaned. It was honestly the sexiet thing ever. "I'm c--" before he could finish, Chris released into my mouth. I swallowed all of him and cleaned the spill from around my mouth.

He picked me up and layed me on the bed. He hovered over me, and we kissed for a few seconds until he slipped into me. I gasped and his lips met mine.

"Faster chris!" he obeyed and plunged deeper and faster into me. By this time I was moaning like a whore, I clawed at his back and shoulders. "Chris! Chris! Yes!" I felt my body quake and I was ready to release. "Cum for me kitten" he mummered into my ear.

I released. I felt my eyes roll into the back of my head. This feeling was amazing! Chris' thrusts were getting sloppier and I knew he was close. "Oh.. My.. G--" I knew he released.

Chris collapsed on top of me and burried his face into my neck. "Baby, thank you for the best birthday ever" he whispered. I kissed his cheek and smiled at him.

It was quiet for a few minutes, only noise I heard was Chris' breathing.

"Ny'Elli?" Chris said.


He paused for a second, "I love you..."

Did he really just say that? My stomach had butterflies and I felt my face get hot. "I love you too, Chris." He sighed in relief and nuzzled into my neck once again.

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