15. Seize The Day

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The days have been going slow lately. It's finally December, to think this year is almost over. Wow.. Time really does fly. I'm at work right now, as usual. Chris is at the studio planning their head-lining tour, which kicks off next year. I don't think I'm ready for have Chris go away for months at a time. But, it is his career, I have to learn to live with it like anyone else who is dating a rockstar.

Anyways, this December and X-mas (A/N: I prefer to you X-mas instead of Christmas... Bare with me.) should be good. My brother and their families are flying down here to spend with my mom and I. I get a warm fuzzy feeling when thinking about it. Just good childhood memories of us around the tree, opening presents and enjoying each others company.

I know, I know. You're probably thinking X-mas is more than presents and shit. But in all honesty my family and I are not big on religion. Hint, why I say X-mas instead Christmas. If you say your an athiest yet say Christmas then you're a fucking hypocrite. In my opinion anyway.

I'm really excited to see my brothers again. It feels like forever since I saw them and actually hung out as siblings. I was pulled out of my thoughts when my phone started ringing. Hm, an unknown number.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Yes, hi is this Knee-el-i Burnam?" a mans voice said from the other line.

"It's Ni-el-ee and this is she, may I ask who is speaking?"

"Yes, this is Dr. Tatum from the Scranton heart hospital. I'm here to inform you that your mother, Claire Burnam, recently had a heart attack and was sent here from Scranton hospital." He said, his voice stern.

I froze. I'm speechless. My mom? My mother? I- this can't be true. Is she hurt? Will she be okay? How did this happen?! So many thoughts and scenerios started running through my mind.

"W-what?" was the only word I could choke out.

"It says here that you're her daughter and also an emergency contact, correct?"

I shook my head as if her could see me. "Y-yeah" I stammered.

"Okay Ny'Elli" he sighed "I need you to come here as soon as possible. Your mother needs you. I am, so sorry." after that he hung up.

I felt tears build up in my eyes. I ran got the back to find Erick. "Erick! I- my mom, I need to g-go!" I said through sobs. "Is everything okay?!" he asked. "She h-had a heart--"

"Go! Go now!" Erick yelled. I nodded and ran out of the store to my car and made my way to the heart hospital. "Hi! I'm here for Claire Burnam!" I yelled at the lady at the desk.

"Ny'Elli Burnam?" she asked. I just simply nodded. "Ah yes, I need to you fill out some paperwork. Your mother has already signed the DNR papers, I just need an approval signature from another of her family." The lady said.

"DNR?" I asked confused.

"Yes, DNR means if the patient has troubles that we cannot solve, we can pull the plug. It's not required it's more of an option."

My jaw dropped. "Fuck no I'm not signing any papers for you to kill my mom!" I shouted.

She nodded "very well, fill out these papers and you can go see your mother." I sat down and tried to go the everything has fast as possible. Soon I was done and practically threw the papers at the lady. "Room 216" she said and I ran to the elevator.

I walked into my moms room. My knees went weak and my hands got clammy. "M-mom?" I asked. It was a sad sight to see. She had I.V's in her arms, she was connected to a machine and had a breathing mask on her face.

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