9. "She's My Bestfriend You Prick!"

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I woke up the next morning to my phone vibrating. It was my alarm. I saw Chris was still sleeping. I was about to get when he grabs my waist and pulls me down. "Baby.." he grumbled. He made me face him, he opened his eyes a looked at me with those beautiful brown eyes. "Yes?" I asked. "Don"t leave me" he whined.

"I get off around two and when I do well spend some time together okay?" I asked and kissed his nose. He scrunched it up and oh my god it was the cutest thing ever.

I giggled a little "you can stay here and hang out with Kemp if you want?" I suggested.

He nodded. "Alright, I could warm up to this little guy" he said petting Kemper. "Okay I'm going to take a shower." He nodded at me.

I went to my bathroom a took a quick shower. I heard a slight knock at the door "hey babe I'm going to run home and grab some clothes and movies, okay?"

"Okay! Can you let out Kemp?!" I hollered back. "Sure!" I heard the back door open. "Okay! Heading out now!" "Alright!"

I stayed in my hot shower for about another 15 minutes I got and todays inspired look is going to be Lily Munster! The Munsters was always one of my favorite shows. I did Lily's exact makeup minus the green face. I put in my extensions. I put on a Bride of Frankenstein shirt and black skinny jeans.

I heard Chris come back and he looked at me for a second. "Well hello Lily" he chuckled. I smiled and slipped on my black and white creepers.

I went to my front room and seen Chris sitting on the couch watching Dexter on Netflix. "Okay I'm heading out now, see you soon." I leaned down to kiss him. "Alright baby."

I went to work and the day was like any other day; long and boring. "Alright guys, see you Monday" Erick called. Gosh I love having the weekend off. We said our goodbyes and I went outside to my car.

When I got home, I couldn't find Chris in the house. "God dammit Chris this better not be one of your stunts I swear to god!" I walked towards my room and slowly opened the door. No Chris.

I began walking back to the living room and Chris jumped out from my hallway closet. He was wearing the same damn Michael Myers mask.

"Chris!" I squealed as he threw me over his should. "Well, Mrs. Munster. We're going over to Angelo's." he said a sat me down.

"To who's?" I asked slightly confused.

"My bestfriend, and our orginal drummer." I nodded. I went to let Kemper out and filled his food bowl. If you're wondering why I always let him out when I leave, it's because he decides to be and ass and chew on all my things!

Chris grabbed my hand and we headed out the door. Chris drove us to a very large, nice house. We got out a walked to the door. He knocked and a man with longish, thick black hair and many tattoos opened up.

"Ange my man!" Chris greeted. Angelo smiled widely and they hugged each other. "Ange this is my girlfriend, Ny'Elli, babe this is my bestfriend Ange. Tattooer by day, gargoyle by night." he laughed. I smiled and shook Angelo's hand.

Chris' P.O.V:

After I introduced Elli to Ange we went inside to see all the guys just hanging around. "Okay, well I'll introduce you to everyone again. That's Ryan and his lady Allie." I pointed to where they were sitting. "That's Ricky." I pointed to him sitting in a recliner "That's Balz and his lady Ryan-Ashley" they were sharing a recliner. "And that's Ghost, his girlfriend Kylie isn't here at the moment." Elli nodded and waved at everyone.

"Isn't there one more?" she asked. "Oh yeah, Vinny and Ange don't really get along." she nodded once more.

"And everyone this is Ny'Elli, my girlfriend" I heard groans and sighs from everyone. I looked at Elli and her expression seemed to sadden. "Chris we know who she is, you never shut up about her." Ryan snickered. I felt myself blush and Allie slapped his arm. "Shut up and stop embarressing people" she sassed.

"When did you guys start dating? It's about time" Balz chuckled.

"Just yesterday." everyone nodded and we sat down on the couch. We decided it was movie night and watched a shit ton of movies. After about two hours I looked up saw Ghost and Ricky about to leave. "We're heading out guys, I gotta drive this goof home." Ghost said and Ricky punched him. We said our goodbyes to them. Ryan and Allie stood up aswell, "yeah we're out too, later." we waved and they left.

It was only Ny'Elli, Ange, Balz, Ryan-Ashley and I left. It was 9p.m. now. "Alright folks I'm hittin the hay, let yourselfs out." Ange said. He hugged Ny'Elli and I then walked upstairs. "Should we wake them?" she asked noticing Balz and Ryan-Ashley were sound asleep. I nodded my head and kicked Balz's leg. He jumped causing Ryan-Ashley to jump. "What the hell Chris?!" she said.

"Everybody is gone and went to bed." I shrugged. They stood up walked to the door, "see you love birds!" Ryan-Ashley chirped. "Bye!" we waved.

"We should probably pick up." she looked over the room. It was trashed. We started picking up and about thirty minutes later we were done. I locked the door behind me and we went to the car.

Elli's phone rang and she answered. "Hello?... Just leaving Chris' friends house... He what?!... Oh fuck!.... I'm going  to murder him! Be there soon!" she hung up and anger grew in her eyes. "You okay baby?" I glanced at her.

"Dylan cheated on Riley" she said through gritted teeth. "Take me over there?" I nodded and drove to wherever she told me. "Stay here I'll be out soon, okay?" she asked. I nodded and layed my head back listening to AFI.

Ny'Elli's P.O.V:

I walked into Riley's house and saw he sobbing on the couch. "Riles, you okay?" I wrapped my arms around her and she melted in my embrace. "Fine, well I will be soon enough." I nodded.

"Well what happened?" I asked. "So I came home and he was all worked up about something. I tryed calming him down because I had big news to tell him. I told him that I was... Pregnant..." my eye widened. Riley? Prego? A mom? "Oh my god..." I mumbled. She nodded and continued "after I told him that he said he didn't want anything to do with me and that he moved on." I growled at that. She sobbed into her hands and I broke the silence. "What's his number? I wanna give him a piece of my mind!" I growled. She gave me it and sent him a little text:

Me: I hope you realize you're this biggest douche ever.

Dylan: Like I care, I don't want a kid. And it isn't any on your business. Fuck off.

Me: She's my bestfriend you prick! Whatever goes on with her I know about!

Dylan: Bestfriends my ass! That's why she always talks shit behind your back and shit? Lmao. Kill yourself. Have fun with the baby. Dylan out.

I stared at the text for a while in disbelief. I didn't show Riley because I don't want to make matters worse. "Everything okay?" she asked. I nodded my head "maybe you should get some rest? I'll have Ty come over to keep you company?" she nodded and I texted Ty.

Me: Hey man, can you pls come over to Riley's? She could use someone right now..

Ty: Okay, be there soon.

I looked at Riley. "Ty said he'll be here soon. You gonna be okay?" she nodded and hugged me. "Thank you Elli.." she said. "What are bestfriends for..." I drifted.

I checked my time to see it was only ten til' eleven. Damn, I've been here for a while. I went outside to the car. I opened to passenger door and looked over to see Chris sleeping while AFI played. "Chris baby" I whispered. "Chris!" he opened his eyes. "Hey sorry baby" I shrugged and got in. "Let's go..." I said.


Getting really into this story! Haha, I cannot stop writing. Anyways just a random chapter I guess.

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