18. The Past Lives

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Today's the day! Chris comes back from tour today and I can't wait to see him! He won't be here until later on tonight but I am still so excited. Soon, he will be here, in my arms.

It's April now and I must say life is really working in my favor. I have an amazing job, amazing friends, an amazing boyfriend. What more could I ask for? Although my brothers refuse to talk to me for some odd reason, I'm still happy. Talon finally left me alone for good. These past few months he's been trying to mess with me, but he kept failing so he gave up. Thank fuck.

I'm not depressed anymore. I have friends that helped me through it. I am thankful for them all. I made two new friends down at the record store, where I work. Tianna and Jeffrey. They're really cool.

I still hang out with everyone, we've all gotten closer. They're like family too me. I finally got to meet Ghost's girlfriend Kylie! And Angelo's girlfriend Kelly aswell! They're great. Remember Quinten? Yeah me and me hang out a lot now, he's like a brother to me.

Only thing that can bring me down is Kemper, he is very sick right now. I hope he's okay, poor baby. Pushing my thoughts aside, I got out of my bed and headed to the kitchen to make some coffee.

Sheesh, this house is a mess. After I had my drug, I blasted Rob Zombie and cleaned. I started with the kitchen, then moved onto the living room. I cleaned my room and the bathroom, then vacuumed afterwards.

I feel disgusting now, so I shall take a shower. I got out and brushed my hair into. I am really digging my short hair, I love it. I started to do my makeup, right in the middle of doing my eyeliner someone called me. I groaned and finished my wing.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey biotch" Quinten said from the other line.

I giggled, "hey whatcha up to?"

"It's a suprise. But get dressed"

"Um, okay for wh--"

He cut me off. "Oh my jeez, get dressed. Be there in ten!"

"Okay, okay" we hung up and I got dressed. I wore gray ripped skinny jeans, my Acid Bath shirt and black vans. I heard Quinten honk outside. I grabbed my sweater and purse and ran out to his car.

"Hey girl!" I heard him shout. I got into the car and he was playing Lana Del Ray. I made a digusted face. "What you don't like Lana Del Ray?" he asked. "More like Lana Del Gay" I said. He rolled his eyes and we began driving off.

"Where we goin'?" I asked. He didn't respond for a second. "To meet Derek" he said. I nodded and we began to talk about random shit. We pulled into his house and he led me inside. I was greeted by a dark haired man. "Hi there I'm Derek" he pulled me into a hug. "I'm Ny'Elli" I smiled. We all hung out for a while then I had Quinten drive me back home.

Chris' P.O.V:

In about ten minutes, I'll have Elli back in my arms. I missed her so much. I am so proud of her for overcoming her depression. She means a lot to me. She thinks I'm coming home later tonight, but I'm suprising her by coming home a little early.

"Bye guys!" I yelled to everyone on the bus, I grabbed my bags and headed off the bus. I walked up to Elli's door and knocked. No answer. I grabbed the keys she gave me and opened it. I can't believe what I saw.

"Ny'Elli?!" I shouted she jumped up and ran into my arms. I didn't hug her back though. By this point she noticed my expression.

"What's wrong?" she asked. "I can't believe this.." I muttered and started to walk down the driveway. She chased after me, "Chris! Come back! What's wrong?!"

I stopped dead in my tracks and faced her, "Ny'Elli what the fuck! You're cheating on me, am suppose to be okay with that?!" I yelled.


"No save it!"

"Chris, he's gay! Quinten is gay! We weren't even doing anything!" she screamed.

I was speechless. Thanks to my stupidity and paranoia I accused my girlfriend of cheating with a gay man. I can't believe myself.

"Baby, I--"

"Chris I can't believe you!" she smacked me. I deserved that, "I was just going to introduce you two!"

"Well, this is awkward, I'll be going now" Quinten said walking to his car.

"Hey man, I'm sorry. I'm Chris by the way..." I said. We shook hands. "Quinten" he said. I nodded and he got into his car. Elli stormed back into the house.

"Ny'Elli, I'm sorry. The past girlfriends always end up cheating on me. I-I just don't want to lose you..."

"Chris, did you ever stop to think that I'm not like any of your past girlfriends?! Because I'm not! Chris I love you a lot okay, please get that through your head." She wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I love you too Elli, it's just I have a hard time forgetting my past. It haunts me.." I said pressing my lips to hers.

"Baby, what happened in the past?" Elli asked. I sighed and told her about Carlie, god I hate that wench. She was my first everything, I thought she loved me. Then theres a few other girls I won't name, they were horrible then there was Sabrina. Where do I start with her? She was a rude whore. That about sums that up.

Ny'Elli kissed my cheek, "I'm sorry baby, those girls didn't deserve you."

"I love you Ny'Elli Rose" I pressed my forehead to hers. "And I love you Christopher Thomas."


Ny'Elli and I decided to go get coffee this morning. Today will be an easy day just hanging out with my girl. The weather was nice so we walked to Starbucks instead of taking the car.

I missed Elli so much, right now we're talking about everything. What she did while I was gone and what I did on tour. It was nice, just me and my baby today.

"Ch-chris..?" I heard a females voice say.

I turned around, only to see a walking nightmare.

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